The Research Lab Sustainable Architectural Heritage deals with sustainability-relevant parameters in the preservation, use and development of architectural heritage. A central aspect is the development of methods for recording the sustainability-determining characteristics of historic buildings. The aim is to qualify and quantify these "virtues of old buildings" so that they can not only be reappraised in old buildings, but also used for today's building concepts. These activities are in the context of national and international programmes for climate adaptation and resilience strengthening of historic building fabric.

Other fields of activity of the Research Lab include the reconstruction of destroyed historic centres using the example of the earthquake-damaged town of Accumoli in central Italy (Scola di Ricostruzione di Accumoli, Accademia Vicino di Accumoli), inter- and transdisciplinary conservation and development of historic centres (Scola Telcz), the scientific indexing of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards Archive (EHA) as well as the monitoring of scientific activities of Europa Nostra (Europa Nostra Austria), scientific cooperation activities in the field of archaeological prospection (LBI ArchPro) and complementary research activities in the preservation of written materials (ERC BPCR).


Scientific Director: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.Arch.ETH Dr. Christian Hanus

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