At a press conference, Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research Heinz Faßmann and Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner announced the main cornerstones for the further development of Danube University Krems and Campus Krems. Through a new 15a agreement between the Federal Government and the Province of Lower Austria, the Province provides Danube University Krems with additional infrastructure while the Federal Government commits itself to a long-term increase in federal financial resources. A total of EUR 63 million will be invested in Campus Krems by the Province of Lower Austria.
In a joint press conference of the Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Province of Lower Austria, Federal Minister Heinz Faßmann and Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner announced the cornerstones for the further development of Danube University Krems and Campus Krems. Governor Mikl-Leitner sees the combination of education, further and continuing education with science and research as fruitful ground for successful development, and mentioned the 13,000 people already learning, researching and working at Campus Krems on currently 45,000 square meters.
With the new 15a agreement between the Federal Government and the Province of Lower Austria, the successful path of Danube University Krems and Campus Krems is set to be consistently continued. Lower Austria will invest a total of 63 million euros in infrastructure, of which 18 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of existing buildings and 45 million euros in a new building that can be used jointly by all institutions on campus.
Federal Minister Faßmann also underlined the successful development of Danube University Krems and its role as "lead institution" in the field of continuing education. According to Faßmann, Danube University Krems is the only public university in Austria that is wholly dedicated to academic continuing education for working professionals and has a unique specialization. He pointed out the importance of continuing education in the context of accelerated transformation of qualifications and knowledge content.
The new 15a agreement aims to further support the positive development of Danube University Krems, said Faßmann. Besides the additional infrastructure provided by the province of Lower Austria - a total of 10,000 square metres - the Federal Government is committed to increasing its share of the total budget in the long term. Furthermore, Danube University Krems is to be formally included in §6 of the University Act 2002, which lists all Austrian universities, in order to increase cooperation with other public universities.