
The treatment of acute liver failure and hepatic decompensation requires a broad basis of therapeutic methods. The functions of the liver in synthesizing and metabolic regulation can be well treated by substitutes based on classical methods. The detoxification function of the liver can hardly be achieved using conventional methods. The Microspheres based Detoxification Module (MDS) is designed for supporting the detoxification function of the liver by the specific elimination of toxins from the blood stream. The patient’s blood is, similar to a conventional dialysis treatment, circulated through an extracorporeal circuit and separated in a plasma filter into a cell and into a filtrate fraction. The filtrate fraction is directed into the MDS circuit and suspended with microparticles carrying a high specific surface for toxin binding and therefore toxin removal from the patient’s blood. To ensure a convenient daily use of the MDS module in a hospital ICU, it is designed as add-on system for conventional dialysis machines.


Duration 01/01/2011 - 30/09/2014
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program Technologieförderung NÖ

Department for Biomedical Research

Center for Biomedical Technology

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Brandl


Brandl, M.; Kellner, K.; Posnicek, T.; Bado, I.; Falkenhagen, D. (2013). Spectroscopic Hemoglobin and Bilirubin Measurement on Optically Opaque Particulate Fluids. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Vol. 182: 711– 717

Brandl, M.; Kellner, KH.; Bado, I.; Posnicek, T.; Falkenhagen, D. (2011). Hemoglobin Detection in Opaque Particular Fluids. Proceedings, EUROSENSORS XXV, September 4-7, 2011 Athens, Greek: 1-4


Optical Sensor System for Simultaneous Detection of Hemoglobin and Bilirubin

Sensordevices 2013, 25/08/2013

Hemoglobin Detection in Opaque Particular Fluids

EUROSENSORS XXV, September 4-7, Athens, Greek 2011, 04/09/2011

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