
The intended research project focuses on exchange of scientific methods and procedures for integration of values, quality of life and smart development potential in historic towns, which will be studied and assessed on selected cities with similar historical, environmental and cultural background in the Danube region. The objectives include joint verification and adaptation of a complex innovative analysis of landscape, urban, architectural attributes of physical structure and composition of historic cities as well as their complementarity with cultural-civilization and social-economic activities and features. It will naturally encompass research of practice related to management of long term sustainability of protected heritage values, which is seen as critical for lively sustaining of the heritage essence of the historic town, its authenticity together with the design of innovative tools for its safeguarding through the process of town planning, management and cultural heritage protection. Further research objectives concern studies allied with quality of life in historic cities which attracts young families as well as soft industries to locate in such places. Attention will be paid to the role of public space and to lessons which can be taken from selected historic cities for improvement of public space design, its facilities and sustainable maintenance in cooperating countries. The will aim at minimizing conflicts through new management and stakeholder participation tools and methods for better protection, sustainable development and improved economic valorisation of public spaces in towns Last but not least objectives aim at identification and strengthening of potential for smart development of historic cities in the region. In the proposed project the smart features are seen in strengthening of public participation at management of urban development of a historic town, in discovering potential for smart development of activities supporting economic wellbeing of a historic town, e.g. tourism, and in improvement of preparedness for resilience and adaptation of the studied cities against contemporary or near future natural and social threats. It is planned that the project will end with best practice recommendations which will integrate positive impact of complex values of historic towns for better and more sustainable management of urban units as well as for solution of socio-economic pressures including problems of possibilities for inclusion of immigrants. The results will be published and submitted to municipalities of historic cities in the Danube region through electronic media. The project will strengthen existing and create new networks for future cooperation in the field of urban management in historic cities on the level of municipalities as well as of possible further research activities and joint projects, students´ and faculties exchange.


Duration 02/01/2017 - 31/12/2018
Funding Sonstige
Program Multilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation Projects in the Danube Reg
Logo - European Union

Department for Building and Environment

Center for Architectural Heritage and Infrastructure

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dipl.Arch.ETH Dr. Christian Hanus
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