
Understanding digital communication as potentially enhancing democratic processes, keeping in mind the digital divides in representation of political content as well as that online politics are not detached from the ‘material world’, our project seeks to analyse the online political participation of first-time voters during municipal elections in Lower Austria 2020. Our project is particularly interested in the question how social media communication is interlinked with offline media and citizen participation and what potential it bears to widen the public democratic sphere by young citizens. This research interest is operationalized in three empirical research areas: - Digital lifeworlds and political participation of first-time voters - Online communication of political party actors - Communication of local mass media We will analyse and compare the three areas with regard to their topics, frames (meaning making) and language styles. This will allow for conclusions on how online communication enhances participation in democratic processes, especially of young citizens, and which chances and obstacles it poses for widening the public sphere.


Duration 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2021
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program FTI Digitalisierung
FTI Programm Niederösterreich GFNÖ

Department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Dr. Edma Ajanovic
Project members
Mag. Dr. Katharina Fritsch, BA
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Guérot


Ajanovic, E.; Fritsch, K. (2023). Framing Covid-19 through memes: a way for young people to shape the narrative in Austria. Journal of Youth Studies, Online (first):

Lampoltshammer, T.J.; De Luca, G.; Thurnay, L. (2023). Digital News and Political Tweets in the Lower Austrian Municipal Elections: A Case Study on Digital Journalism and Political Communication. Social Sciences, 12(1): 1-20

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