
Public Administration

Administration Manager (Public Management)


Certificate, 2 semesters, part time

Krems, Austria, AT, University for Continuing Education Krems, Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30

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Management, Human Resources & Organization, Logistics, Transport & Energy Management

Aviation Management


Certificate, 2 semesters, part time

Aviation Management, Aviation Management, The focus of the scientific-based Specialization lies on imparting Aviation Management and Business knowledge with a strong practical orientation. It aims to find answers for the essential and most pressing managerial and economic questions confronting all sectors of the aviation industry. The Specialization modules of the blended learning program are taught in English over the period of one year. The face-to-face units onsite foster an intensive exchange of knowledge and experiences with renowned faculty members and professionally experienced fellow students from the industry. , Managing within the Legal Framework, Digitalization and Future Developments, Montreal Convention , Passenger Rights ICAO , EASA , EU Aviation Policy Digitalization in the Airline Business Airline Cooperation Concepts Airline Start-up and Business Aviation , 6.0, Managing an Airline, Airline Financial Management and Performance Measurement Airline Business Models and Competitive Strategies Airline Business Planning : Revenue Management, Fleet- and Route Planning Pricing , Product and Distribution Airline Managing People , 6.0, Managing an Airport, Aeronautical and Commercial Functions Globalization and Networks Airport Financials Airport Capacity and Slot Management Sustainable Airports and Intermodality , 6.0, Managing Air Traffic and its Operations, Fundamentals of ATM and ATC and Future Systems Cost Base of the ATM System European Air Traffic Flow Management ATM Perspective from an Airline , 3.0, Sustainable Aviation Management, Innovation and System Risks, Sustainable Development and Aviation Industry Climate Change and Aviation , Carbon Accounting, Noise Management Innovation Competences Cybersecurity in Aviation System Risks and Insurance in the Aviation Business , 3.0

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Healthcare Management, Management in Healthcare

Business Planning for Health Professionals


Certificate, 1 semester, part time

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Healthcare Management, Management in Healthcare

Healthcare Management


Master of Science (Continuing Education), 3 semesters

Leadership and Management for Healthcare professionals, Certificate Program, Certificate Program, 24, , Management of care facilities in the private practice sector, Certificate Program, Certificate Program, 24, Societal, political and economic developments pose a great challenge to medical practitioners when planning, setting up and managing surgeries. Business and legal knowledge along with management skills are necessary to be economically successful. With these framework conditions in mind, the university course aims to teach students the necessary competencies and methods for managing a surgery or medical center in order to successfully overcome the related challenges. The university course teaches relevant management concepts and leadership aspects with the goal of being able to manage effectively and efficiently, always relating theory and practice. Moreover, students are introduced to specialized and application-oriented knowledge whereby the scientifically-based university course contributes to students’ professional, vocational and personal further development. , Business Planning for Health Professionals, Certificate Program, Certificate Program, 12

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Management, Human Resources & Organization, General Management

International Business


Certificate, 2 semesters, part time

International Business, Specialization International Business, The teaching program of the “International Business” (CP) course consists of three Compulsory modules and one compulsory study trip and includes a total of 24 ECTS points., International Leadership and Business Dynamics, , 6.0, International and European Business Law, , 6.0, International Finance and Supply Chain Dynamics, , 6.0, International Study Trip, , 6.0

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