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University for Continuing Education Krems
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Ziel des Projektes ist eine gemeinsame, fundierte historische Untersuchung, Aufarbeitung, Publikation und Präsentation der Gründungsgeschichte der einzelnen, im 19. Jahrhundert gegründeten Stadtmuseen in Niederösterreich.
The inter- and transdisciplinary project aims to describe, to analyze and to differentiate the particular perceptual qualities of original artworks, their digital surrogates as well as digital expansions into the virtual space (augmented and virtual reality).
Multiplier event organised within the Risk Management for Cultural Heritage project on the protection of cultural property
More than 370 participants from all over the world discussed opportunities and challenges for museums and collections in the times of Corona
The Center for Museum Collections Management supports the Landessammlungen NÖ in preparing the collection holdings
The "Frankfurt Declaration" appeals to cultural policy-makers to counter the extensive loss of digital cultural heritage with networking and cooperation.