Mag. Dr. Oliver Neubauer, Priv.-Doz
+43 2732 893-5325
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Campus Krems, Trakt UB, 2nd Floor, 2.09
- University for Continuing Education Krems
- Center for Health Sciences and Medicine
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Austria
Publications (Extract Research Database)
Fejes, R.; Lutnik, M.; Weisshaar, S.; Pilat, N.; Wagner, K.-H.; Stüger, H.-P.; Peake, J.M.; Woodman, R.J.; Croft, K.D.; Bondonno, C.P.; Hodgson, J.; Wolzt, J.; Neubauer, O. (2024). Increased nitrate intake from beetroot juice over 4 weeks affects nitrate metabolism, but not vascular function or blood pressure in older adults with hypertension. Food and Function, 15(8): 4065 - 4078
Fejes, R.; Pilat, N.; Lutnik, M.; Weisshaar, S., Weijler, A.M.; Krüger, K.; Draxler, A.; Bragagna, L.; Peake, J.M.; Woodman R.J.; Croft, K.D.; Bondonno, C.P.; Hodgson, J.M.; Wagner, K.-H.; Wolzt, M.; Neubauer, O. (2024). Effects of increased nitrate intake from beetroot juice on blood markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in older adults with hypertension. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 222: 519-530
Höld, E.; Chmelar, S.; Aubram, T.; Leitner, G.; Nehrer, S.; Neubauer, O.; Wagner, K.-H.; Wondrasch, B. (2024). Nutrition and movement to improve quality of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis: the NUMOQUA study protocol for a randomised controlled tria. Trials, 25(1): 10.1186/s13063-024-08048-2
Bondonno C.P.; Zhong, L.; Bondonno, N. P.; Sim, M.; Blekkenhorst, L. C.; Liu, A.; Rajendra, A.; Pokharel, P.; Erichsen, D. W.; Neubauer, O.; Croft, K. D.; Hodgson, J. M. (2023). Nitrate: The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of human health? Trends in Food Science and Technology, 135: 57-73
Fejes R., Bondonno C., Hodgson J., Wagner K-H., Lutnik M., Weisshaar S., Wolzt M., Neubauer O. (2023). Dietary Nitrate, Vascular Function and Inflammation: a Randomized, Placebo-controlled Crossover Study. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 201, Supplement 1: 44-45
Raubenheimer, K.;Liu, A.H.;Koch, H.;Bosio, E.;Bondonno, N.P.;Matthews, V.;Sim, M.; Blekkenhorst, L.;Woodman, R.J.;Murray, K.; Croft, K.; Neubauer, O. (2022). Increased nitrate intake from beetroot juice does not alter soluble cellular adhesion molecules and circulating inflammatory cytokines in individuals with treated hypertension: a randomised, controlled trial. Food & Function, 13 (23): 12353 - 12362
Draxler, A.; Franzke, B.; Cortolezis, J.T.; Gillies, N.A.; Unterberger, S.; Aschauer, R.; Zöhrer, P.A.; Bragagna, L.; Kodnar, J.; Strasser, E.-M.; Neubauer, O.; Sharma, P.; Mitchell, S.M.; Zeng, N.; Ramzan, F.; D'Souza, R.F.; Knowles, S.O.; Roy, N.C.; Sjödin, A.M.; Mitchell, C.J.; Milan, A.M.; Wessner, B.; Cameron-Smith, D.; Wagner, K.-H. (2021). The effect of elevated protein intake on dna damage in older people: Comparative secondary analysis of two randomized controlled trials. Nutrients, Volume 13/10: 3479
Hwang, J. H.; McGovern, J.; Minett, G. M.; Della-Gatta, P.; Roberts, L.; Harris, J. M.; Thompson, E. M.; Parker, T. J.; Peake, J. M.; Neubauer, O. (2020). Mobilizing serum factors and immune cells through exercise to counteract age-related changes in cancer risk. Exercise Immunology Review, 26: 80 – 99
Lectures (Extract Research Database)
Dietary Nitrate, Exercise, and the Immune System
16th Symposium of the International Society of Exercise and Immunology (ISEI), 11/09/2024
Wie Sport und Ernährung auf unsere Zellen wirken
Wiener Volkshochschulen (VHS)-Science Vortrag, 28/04/2022
Antioxidantien, freie Radikale, und oxidativer Stress im Kontext der Sporternährung
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ernährung (ÖGE)-Seminar „Trends in der Sporternährung 2022“, 27/01/2022
Trends in der Sporternährung
Webinar, 26/05/2021
Mit der richtigen Ernährung und Sport gesund durch Herbst und Winter
MINI MED Vortragsreihe, 30/09/2020
Nitrate-rich beetroot juice elicits beneficial effects on markers of blood leukocyte and platelet activation in older adults: A randomized controlled study
Meeting on Vascular Biology, Inflammation and Thrombosis 2020, 13/05/2020