Julia Teixeira Mourao Permoser

About the person

Julia Mourão Permoser is Full Professor for Migration and Integration at the Department for Migration and Globalization at Danube University Krems since 1 September 2023. Her previous positions include Visiting Professor of Political Science at the University of Vienna, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science at the University of Innsbruck, and Research Fellow at the Institute for European Studies of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She holds a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University, a master's degree from the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, and a doctorate in political science from the University of Vienna.

Prof. Permoser has published extensively on issues related to migration policy and politics, as well as on migration integration and social cohesion. Between 2010 and 2023, she has acquired 5 project grants as principal investigator. Currently, she is the principle investigator of a research project financed by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) entitled "Migration as Morality Politics" and co-principle investigator of the project "Ethical Dilemmas of Migration Policy", located at the European University Institute in Florence.

Her research interests include:

  • Migration policy and politics
  • Human rights
  • Democratic inclusion and exclusion
  • Religious, ethnic, cultural and moral pluralism
  • Multilevel governance, international and transnational politics
  • Contentious politics and civil society movements in the context of migration
  • Ethical dilemmas of migration policy
  • Migrant integration and social cohesion

To see her publications, view her profiles at ORCID and Google Scholar.

For more information on research projects and activities, visit her personal website.

Publications (Extract Research Database)

Bauböck, R.; Mourao Permoser, J. (2023). Sanctuary, Firewalls, Regularization: Three Inclusive Responses to the Presence of Irregular Migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49, Issue 14: Spheres of Sanctuary: 3671-3688

Mourão Permoser, J.; Bauböck, R. (2023). Spheres of Sanctuary: Introduction to Special Issue. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49, Issue 14: Spheres of Sanctuary: 3549-3565

Mourão Permoser, J. (2023). Das Ringen um Abtreibung. Die Furche, Die Furche, Wien

Mourão Permoser, J. (2023). Teilzeit-Debatte: Wollen Frauen nicht arbeiten? Die Furche, Die Furche, Wien

Mourão Permoser, J. (2023). Das Klima und die Kühe. Die Furche, Die Furche, Wien

Mourão Permoser, J. (2023). Die Abschaffung des Asyls. Die Furche, Die Furche, Wien

Mourão Permoser, J. (2023). Toxische Polarisierung. Die Furche, Die Furche, Wien

Mourão Permoser, J. (2023). Asylpolitik: Auslagerungspläne gescheitert. Die Furche, Die Furche, Wien

Mourão Permoser, J. (2023). Über den Krieg reden. Die Furche, Die Furche, Wien

Mourão Permoser, J. (2023). Sozialleistungen für Migranten kürzen. Die Furche, Die Furche, Wien

Mourão Permoser, J. (2023). Zum Phänomen Babler: Politik als Wunder. Die Furche, Die Furche, Wien

Mourão Permoser, J.; Mann, I. (2023). Human Rights Politics at Sea: In Defense of Sanctuary. Migration Policy Centre (MPC), European University Institute (EUI), The Ethics of Migration Policy Dilemmas - Project, 2023

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Spheres of Sanctuary

European Consortium for Political Research/ECPR Online Seminar Series in Migration and Ethnicity, 23/11/2023

Wissenschaftsskepsis und Ihre Folgen für die Demokratie

Interview Radio Stimme, 17/11/2023

Post-Truth-Zeitalter: Woran glauben wir?

Podcast COMMITed – Kritische Medienkompetenz im Fokus, 17/11/2023

Wissen, Demokratie und Kritik in der Migrationsgesellschaft

Initiative Minderheit and Verein der Wiener Volkshochschulen, 17/11/2023

EU asylum policy

TV Interview, 16/11/2023

Spheres of Sanctuary

Project Workshop, 08/11/2023

News piece about a scientific dissemination event

TV Interview, 20/10/2023

EU asylum policy

TV Interview, 29/09/2023

Tabuthema Irreguläre Migration: Antworten jenseits von Rückführung und Abschottung

Podiumsdiskussion, Österr. Akademie d. Wissenschaften, 20/09/2023

Power and Agency within Sanctuary Campaigns

European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference 2023, Charles University, 04/09/2023

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