
The second Dementia Conference organized by Danube University Krems will take place virtually and is freely accessible. A three-day comprehensive program including keynote speeches, workshops and discussion panels is offered to the attendees. The conference aims to bring together people with dementia, representatives of Alzheimer associations, experts, relatives and political decision makers to work on meaningful prevention strategies.

In the course of their illness, people with dementia experience a loss of basic human abilities. Relatives, professional carers, and nursing teams bear witness to this loss, which burdens all those involved and forces the concerned persons into a new phase in their lives. According to the WHO, approximately 50 million people are currently affected by dementia, with the number rising up to 74 million people being affected by 2030. New concepts and creative solutions are urgently needed.

"In order to be able to provide those affected with the best possible support, it is particularly important to raise awareness among the population. For this reason, we are organizing the Dementia Conference for the second time. Here, experts, persons affected and relatives can get information and exchange views on sensible prevention strategies, early detection and counseling models as well as the effects of COVID-19 measures", explains Prof Stefanie R. Auer, the conference's organizer and head of the Center for Dementia Studies at Danube University Krems. The virtual "Second Krems Dementia Conference" of Danube University Krems will take place from 16 to 18 November 2020 and is freely accessible after registration.

Addressing dementia from different angles

Day 1: Prof  Dr. Myrra Vernooij-Dassen from the Radboud University of the Netherlands will focus on social health and prevention. Prof Mary Mittelman from New York University will talk about support for relatives in the USA.

Day 2: International speakers will deal with the topic of integration and diagnosis. Prof Wiesje van der Flier from the Alzheimer Center in Amsterdam will present how to apply knowledge derived from diagnostic tests in practice. Prof Michael Brainin, Danube University Krems, will discuss a joint prevention strategy for stroke and dementia.

 Day 3: On the last day the speakers will deal with the impact of COVID-19 as well as how to raise awareness and plan for the future. Among others, Prof Iva Holmerová from the Charles University of Prague and President of Alzheimer Europe as well as Prof Debby Gerritsen, Radboud University Netherlands, will report on consequences for people with dementia in different European countries resulting from COVID-19.

Workshops on the role of artificial intelligence in prevention, intervention and care of people with dementia will be offered alongside the keynotes.

Second Krems Dementia Conference 2020 VIRTUAL

Date:             16 to 18 November 2020
Venue:           Online
Attendance:  free of charge

Registration and program


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