Intensifying the research activities and expanding the international, especially European research: The successful path the University for Continuing Education Krems has been following is presented in the Research Report 2020/21. In the upcoming years, the University sets its aim to maximize the opportunities the new EU research framework program Horizon Europe offers and to deepen and broaden its networks by establishing five university-wide research priorities. The establishment of further PhD studies is planned in addition to the existing ones.
"The University for Continuing Education Krems addresses the dynamic development of societal challenges to ensure that its research has a beneficial effect on society," said Vice Rector for Research, Prof Viktoria Weber, on the occasion of the publication’s presentation. The success rate of 22 percent, which the University for Continuing Education Krems has achieved among the EU research program Horizon2020 that addresses societal challenges, is twice as high as the Austrian average, Weber said.
Significant increase in EU-funded research
In 2020, the University for Continuing Education Krems was able to obtain 8.3 million euros in third-party research funding, proving another increase to the previous years (2018 7.3 million euros). The number of research projects has significantly risen to 222 compared to the amount of 176, the figure published in the Research Report 18/19, and pointing to the enhancement of EU-funded research projects.
The novel Christian Doppler Research Laboratory for Magnet Design marks a another contribution to further internationalization of research and was launched in 2020. Here, the University for Continuing Education Krems is conducting research together with Toyota Motor Corporation and other universities on processes to reduce rare earths in magnets as part of electric motors for vehicles.
Now, we would like to invite you to find out more about the European and internationally oriented research of the University for Continuing Education Krems in the ready-to-download Research Report 2020/21.