For 20 years now, the Universities Act 2002 has laid out the legal framework for Austria's university development. This is reason enough for an analysis of its effects on the higher education landscape and to reflect on the future challenges. International experts have been invited to participate in the Higher Education Talk Krems on 23 November 2022: Anne Lequy, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich Faulhammer, University for Continuing Education Krems, and Frank Ziegele, Centre for Higher Education.
"Austria will overtake us if we don't also introduce reforms!" With this "warning", Prof Frank Ziegele, Professor of Higher Education and Science Management, Head of CHE (Centre for Higher Education) succeeded in initiating reforms in Germany as well, after the University Act 2002 had been implemented at Austrian universities. At that time, section head Friedrich Faulhammer, now rector of the University for Continuing Education Krems, was in charge of implementing the reform in Austria at the Ministry of Science.
Higher education development viewed in an international context
Both experts will trace the development of Austrian and German universities during this period. Prof Anne Lequy, long-time rector of the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, will broaden the focus to include the embedding in international developments that go beyond this. Which conclusions do the discussants draw for the further development of Austrian universities? What new approaches to governance are needed after these 20 years?
Examination of the higher education system
University for Continuing Education Krems has a strong commitment to ongoing academic education. Apart from having its own Department for Higher Education Research, since January 2021 the University has been addressing issues related to higher education in the webinar series "Digital Transformation of Universities", organized by the Center for E-Governance at the University for Continuing Education Krems. The topics followed the book series „Passagen Wissenschaft – Transformation – Politik“ (Passages Science - Transformation – Politics). Proven experts from the German-speaking world have already addressed "Die vernetzte Universität” (The Networked University), "Die entzauberte Universität” (The Disenchanted University), " Die vermessene Universität” (The Measured University), and "Die gemanagte Universität” (The Managed University). The new series "Higher Education Talk Krems" will offer a broader range of topics and opportunities for exchange with top-class experts on topics related to higher education systems.
Higher Education Talk Krems „20 Years University Act 2002“
What has happened, where do we go from here?
Date: 23 November 2022
Start: 4:30 pm
Location: online via Zoom