According to § 98 UG (the Austrian University Law 2002), University Professor Tobias Ley has been appointed as university professor for continuing education processes in digitally supported teaching and learning spaces with effect of 1 September 2021. He works at the Department for Continuing Education Research and Educational Technologies, where he heads the Center for Digitisation in Lifelong Learning.
Professor Tobias Ley is an acknowledged expert in the fields of learning psychology, educational technology and innovation. He has headed interdisciplinary research groups in the field of educational technology as well as innovation and has played a leading role in a number of large-scale EU-funded research projects. He has published over 100 scientific articles throughout his work. His research has received several awards, including the European research award for Vocational Education and Training and the Estonian National Science Award for Social Science. In addition, Ley has been invited as a keynote speaker to conferences (ICWL and CELDA), served as program and general chair of the ECTEL conference, and was a member of the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. In September 2021, he joined the University for Continuing Education Krems to head the Center of Lifelong Learning. One of the center's focuses will be on connecting learning and innovation processes in workplace learning and continuing education. To this end, accumulating data will also be used to understand and improve learning processes for adult learners ("learning analytics").
Interdisciplinary research within an international environment
In 2005, educational technology expert Ley received his PhD in psychology and knowledge management from the University of Graz where he completed his habilitation in the same subject in 2010 with his thesis on "Organizational competency management: a competency performance approach; methods, empirical findings & practical implications". Ley’s teaching activities in Graz from 2003 to 2011 and at the University of Tallinn, Estonia, from 2011 to 2021 are characterized by a high degree of interdisciplinarity, combining methods and findings from psychology, education, and computer science to address current educational issues. A member of the scientific advisory board of the development network "MINT-Lehr-Lern-Labore digital" of the Deutsche Telekom Foundation, Ley is also a member of the "Center of Excellence for New learning and teaching environments and practices" funded by Nordforsk.
These are some of the research projects Professor Ley was involved in: EduFlex (Flexible learning paths to support student-centered learning in schools) of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, the EU-H2020 project CEITER (Cross-Border Educational Innovation through Technology-Enhanced Research), "Learning in Smart Industry" within the Austrian competence center program COMET, and the EU project "Learning Layers" (Scaling up informal learning technologies in SME networks).