Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Ley
- tobias.ley@donau-uni.ac.at
- +43 2732 893-2347
- To contact form
- Campus Krems, Tract K, 2nd Floor, 2.250
- University for Continuing Education Krems
- Center for Digitalisation in lifelong Learning
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Austria
Projects (Extract Research Database)
Running projects
Hybrid Learning Spaces @ School
Duration: 01/09/2024–31/08/2027
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Marlene Wagner
Funding: sonstige öffentlich-rechtliche Einrichtungen (Körperschaften, Stiftungen, Fonds)
Efficiency and Effectiveness of Training for Teachers' Pedagogical Digital Competence
Duration: 01/12/2023–30/11/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Marlene Wagner
Funding: EU
Human-Centered Development and Deployment of AI
Duration: 01/01/2023–31/12/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Tobias Ley
Funding: FFG
Completed projects
Digitalisation of the Austrian education system
Duration: 01/01/2022–28/02/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Peter Parycek
Funding: EU
Publications (Extract Research Database)
Wagner, M.; Ley, T.; Kammerer, L.; Helm, C. (2024). Exploring teacher educators’ challenges in the context of digital transformation and their self-reported TPACK: a mixed methods study. European Journal of Teacher Education, in press: 1-19
Kasepalu, R.; Chejara, P.; Prieto, L.P.; Ley, T. (2023). Studying teacher withitness in the wild: comparing a mirroring and an alerting & guiding dashboard for collaborative learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, in press: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11412-023-09414-z
Ley, T.; Tammets, K.; Pishtari, G.; Chejara, P.; Kasepalu, R.; Khalil, M.; Saar, M.; Tuvi, I.; Väljataga, T.; Wasson, B. (2023). Towards a partnership of teachers and intelligent learning technology: A systematic literature review of model-based learning analytics. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(5): 1397-1417
Polikarpus, Stella; Luik, Piret; Poom-Valickis, Katrin; Ley, Tobias (2023). The Role of Trainers in Implementing Virtual Simulation-based Training: Effects on Attitude and TPACK Knowledge. Vocations and Learning, Vol. 16: 459–486
Prieto, Luis P.; Pishtari, Gerti; Dimitriadis, Yannis; Rodríguez-Triana, María Jesús; Ley, Tobias; Odriozola-González, Paula (2023). Single-case learning analytics: Feasibility of a human-centered analytics approach to support doctoral education. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 29: 1033-1068
Hirv-Biene, Jaanika; Pishtari, Gerti; Wagner, Marlene; Sarmiento-Márquez, Edna Milena; Ley, Tobias (2023). A Learning Design to Support Transfer of Training in Continuing Education. In: EC-TEL 2023: Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42682-7_7, Springer, Heidelberg
Pishtari, Gerti; Sarmiento-Márquez, Edna Milena; Rodríguez-Triana, María Jesús; Wagner, Marlene; Ley, Tobias (2023). Evaluating the Impact and Usability of an AI-Driven Feedback System for Learning Design. In: EC-TEL 2023: Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42682-7_22, Springer, Heidelberg
Polikarpus, S.; Sarmiento-Márquez, E.M.; Ley, T. (2023). Creation and Use of Virtual Simulations for Measuring Situation Awareness of Incident Commanders. In: Gjøsæter, T.; Radianti, J.; Murayama, Y., Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34207-3_2, Springer, Cham
Wagner, Marlene; Pishtari, Gerti; Ley, Tobias (2023). Here or There? Differences of On-Site and Remote Students’ Perceptions of Usability, Social Presence, Engagement, and Learning in Synchronous Hybrid Classrooms. In: EC-TEL 2023: Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42682-7_30, Springer, Heidelberg
Pishtari, G.; Ley, T.; Khalil, M.; Kasepalu, R.; Tuvi, I. (2023). Model-Based Learning Analytics for a Partnership of Teachers and Intelligent Systems: A Bibliometric Systematic Review. Education Sciences, 13(5): 498
Pammer-Schindler, V.; Ley, T.; Kimmerle, J.; Littlejohn, A. (2022). Designing Technologies to Support Professional and Workplace Learning for Situated Practice. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 15 (5): 523 - 525
Tammets, K.; Khulbe, M.; Sillat, L.H.; Ley. T. (2022). A Digital Learning Ecosystem to Scaffold Teachers’ Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 15: 620 - 633
Polikarpus, S.; Ley, T.; Hazebroek, H.; Graham, E.; Sallis, G.; Baker, S.; Figueras Masip, A. (2022). Authoring virtual simulations to measure situation awareness and understanding. In: Hedi Karray; Antonio De Nicola; Nada Matta; Hemant Purohit, 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management: 428 - 433, ISCRAM Digital Library, Tarbes
Tammets, K; Sarmiento-Márquez, E.M.; Khulbe, M., Laanpere, M., Ley, T. (2022). "Integrating Digital Learning Resources in classroom teaching: effects on teaching practices and student perceptions". In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology-enhanced Learning 2022: 379 - 393, Springer, Heidelberg
Kasepalu, R.; Prieto, L., Ley. T., Chejara, P. (2022). Teacher Artificial Intelligence-Supported Pedagogical Actions in Collaborative Learning Coregulation: A Wizard-of-Oz Study. Frontiers in Education, 7: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.736194
Prieto, L.; Odriozola-González, P.; Rodriguez-Triana, M.J.; Dimitriadis, Y., Ley, T. (2022). Progress-Oriented Workshops for Doctoral Well-being: Evidence From a Two-Country Design-Based Research. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 17: 33 - 60
Kollom, Kaire; Tammets, Kairit; Scheffel, Maren; Tsai, Yi-Shan; Jivet, Ioana; Muñoz-Merino, Pedro J.; Moreno-Marcos, Pedro Manuel; Whitelock-Wainwright, Alexander; Calleja, Adolfo Ruiz; Gasevic, Dragan; Kloos, Carlos Delgado; Drachsler, Hendrik; Ley, Tobias (2021). A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 49: 100788
Ley, T.; Tammets, K.; Sarmiento-Márquez, E. M.; Leoste, J.; Hallik, M.; Poom-Valickis, K. (2021). Adopting technology in schools: modelling, measuring and supporting knowledge appropriation. European Journal of Teacher Education
Kasepalu, R.; Chejara, P.; Prieto, L. P.; Ley, T. (2021). Do Teachers Find Dashboards Trustworthy, Actionable and Useful? A Vignette Study Using a Logs and Audio Dashboard. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, Springer Nature B.V.
Leoste, J.; Heidmets, M.; Ley, T.; Stepanova, J. (2021). Classroom Innovation Becoming Sustainable: A Study of Technological Innovation Adoption by Estonian Primary School Teachers. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal, 47: 144-166