
In accordance with § 98 UG 2002, the University for Continuing Education Krems appoints Prof Thore Zantop as University Professor for Sports and Exercise Medicine and pursuant to § 99 UG 2002 Daniel Varro is appointed as University Professor for Tax Law and Sustainable Tax Policy for a limited period of five years. The professorships are established at the Department of Health Sciences, Medicine and Research and the Department for Legal Studies and International Relations, respectively. The two chairs support the university' s overall strategy by taking a strongly transdisciplinary approach.

Prof Thore Zantop is appointed university professor for sports and movement medicine. Zantop said he is excited about the opportunity to conduct research in the field of sports medicine at the University for Continuing Education Krems. In the course of his work, he will scientifically investigate pathologies and preventive measures using arthroscopic techniques in sports medicine. Having himself been a competitive athlete in the Handball Bundesliga, his focus is not only on the care of professional athletes, but also on the field of amateur and popular sportsmen and women, says the expert in knee surgery. Furthermore, he will take over the management of the already existing courses in the fields of sports medicine, orthopedics, and traumatology.

Expertise in orthopedics and trauma surgery

Thore Zantop is an internationally recognized specialist in the field of arthroscopic knee surgery. He holds expertise in the surgical treatment of anterior and posterior cruciate ligament injuries, meniscus problems and degenerative injuries of the knee joint. He graduated from medical school at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany, and trained in sports medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Sports Medicine Center and the Department of Trauma, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery at Münster University Hospital. In 2010, Zantop habilitated in experimental orthopedics and trauma surgery. Since 2011, he has worked at the sporthopaedicum Straubing and Regensburg, and since 2018, he has headed the first Germany-wide knee center for pediatric knee surgery, arthroplasty, and sports orthopedics of the German Knee Society there. Since 2021, Zantop has been a visiting professor at the University for Continuing Education Krems, where it is responsible for the arthroscopic content of the master's courses "Sports Medicine (MSc)" and "Advanced Orthopaedics and Traumatology (MSc)".

Multifaceted perspectives on tax law

Daniel Varro is a proven expert in tax law who has dealt with the subject matter from an academic, legal, and law-shaping perspective. He has worked at the department of tax law at the University of Vienna, as well as in leading Viennese law firms in the areas of group tax planning, real estate taxation, foundations, and asset succession. Most recently, he also held management positions in the Federal Ministry of Finance. There, he focused on sustainable tax policy at an early stage and was, among other things, a member of the working group "Eco-Social Tax Reform". Furthermore, tax law expert Varro is editor of the professional journal "Die Privatstiftung". He completed his dissertation with distinction with the published work on the foundation income tax. At the University of Liechtenstein followed in 2012 the completion of LL.M. studies with a focus on societal, trust & foundation law. He also passed the bar examination with distinction.

Scientific professional permeation

With his comprehensive scientific work, Daniel Varro can refer to a list of publications that is qualitatively equivalent to a habilitation, comprising more than 100 publications and a monograph. Among them are numerous and extensive commentaries in renowned major commentaries on tax law, in particular in the leading commentary by Professor emeritus Werner Doralt. One focus of Varro's publications is on "classical" tax law in its international and European dimensions, with a clear link to corporate and private foundation law.

Sought-after lecturer

Varro teaches in various LL.M. programs at the University of Vienna and the prestigious Eötvös Lorand University Budapest. His extensive lecturing activities take him, among others, to the University of Vienna, AWAK Anwaltsakademie, Akademie der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer, Notariatsakademie, ARS Akademie, Vereinigung österreichischer Wirtschaftstreuhänder, and Manz Rechtsakademie. Furthermore, Varro is regularly invited to give lectures by domestic and international universities.

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