
Learning objects and technologies are currently limited in their adaptability and how far they support active engagement from the learner. EuroPLOT will develop a pedagogical framework for active engagement, based on persuasive design, and will demonstrate its value by creating authoring tools for, and examplares of, persuasive learning objects and technologies (PLOTs) that are easy to create and adapt.The framework will incorporate persuasive learning design patterns into two new applications, PLOTMaker and PLOTLearner, to allow teachers to create and adapt e-learning resources that embed persuasive learning principles.The Danube University Krems is leader of WP7 (Evaluation) and contributes to the development of the EuroPLOT design framework (with specific focus on Christopher Alexander's design patterns).


Duration 01/11/2010 - 31/10/2013
Funding EU
Program Lifelong Learning Programme
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Baumgartner


Designing the Persuasive Learning Experience.

EuroPLOT Webinar Series 2012-2013, 17/10/2013

Designing the Persuasive Learning Experience

EC-TEL 2013, IWEPLET Workshop, 16/09/2013

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