
Heading towards comfortable, energyefficient, climate-friendly and resource-preserving buildings, there are a big number of different and sometimes contradictionary systems on the market. Policy needs consultancy, which of these systems to promote. On behalf of two loer Austraim Authorities the study adressed here explored life cycle costs, green house gas-emissions and primary energy demnd of not less than 30 differen combinations of heatprotection, building-material and building services concept. The outputs of the study are made use of both in policy consultancy and in development of new building products and systems.


Duration 01/02/2011 - 31/05/2011
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

Department for Building and Environment

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Peter Holzer


Bauen 2020 - Gebäudesysteme im Vergleich

Holzfachtagung, 15/10/2012

Bauen 2020 - Gebäudesystemvergleich

Arbeitstagung der Österreichischen Ziegelindustrie, 12/10/2012

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