
The 7th report on the situation of youth in Austria consists of an analysis and interpretation of existing data and studies on young people in Austria, of the development of a Better Life Index Youth from existing data and via adaptation in a participatory approach. In the last part of the report the data will be applied to the Austrian Youth Strategy.


Duration 04/05/2015 - 30/09/2016
Funding Bund (Ministerien)

Department for Migration and Globalisation

Center for Global Competences

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Mag. Manfred Zentner


Die Konstruktion eines Better-Life-Index Jugend (BLI Jugend) unter Einbeziehung der Zielgruppen

Interdisziplinäre Fachtagung "Jugend - Lebenswelt - Bildung", Innsbruck, 16/11/2017

No well-being without sustainability - at least for the young generation

7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon, 18/07/2017

Qualitative methods doing the researcher's job - illustrated using the example of index construction

7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon, 18/07/2017

Ergebnisse des 7. Bericht zur Lage der Jugend - Teil A

Dialogforum Jugend, BMFJ, Wien, 11/05/2017

Better Life Index Jugend Ergebnisse des 7. Berichts zur Lage der Jugend in Österreich

Dialog Jugendforschung, BMFJ, Wien, 04/05/2017

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