This project aims in developing an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Mixed Migration (MixMIG). It explores all aspects of cross-border movement of people with varying motivations. It offers a theoretically founded, evidence-based, and didactically sound study program for master's students from all over the world. The universities who will be developing and implementing this high-level, trans-institutionally and transdisciplinary integrated study programme are located in sending, receiving, and transit countries and are all well-established and -networked in migration research and master training. Our consortium consists of three Universities situated in the European Union – namely University for Continuing Education - Danube University Krems in Austria, University of Palermo, Italy and University of Warsaw, Poland. Furthermore, two non-European Universities, the University of Ghana, and Koc University in Turkey will complement the initial consortium. Furthermore, EUAA as well as ICMPD are expressing their need upon these professionals as well as their commitment to support development of a tailor-made curriculum within our consortium. Mixed migration is defined according to UNCHR as ‘cross-border movements of people with varying protection profiles, socio-legal categories, reasons for moving, and needs, who are moving along the same routes and using the same means of transportation or travel’ and has become an increasingly important element of global migration and mobility dynamics and an important policy topic addressed by governments, international organisations, humanitarian organisations, advocacy groups and many more. New conflicts, the Covid-19 pandemic, new levels of environmental stress, changing perceptions around human mobility, and new forms of migration governance relying on externalisation and ‘remote’ control in addition to traditional migration control techniques a Master Programme in Mixed Migration based grounded in different geographical, methodological, and disciplinary perspective is able to educate the spectators involved in management of these flows from the policy to practise. There are several crucial questions to be addressed: How does the Covid-19 pandemic change future mobility? How is the climate emergency affecting mobility and displacement? How do mixed migrations on established and new regional and international migration routes evolve and what are adequate actions and policies towards interconnected movements of internally displaced persons, irregular migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers? Or how are comprehensive mixed migration systems that also include return, reception, and reintegration processes shaped by the governance and interventions of multiple actors? Erasmus mundus funding (Lot 2) for the initial 15-months development period of this two-year Joint Master’s programme will enable the partner universities in conducting joint Design studies and organise Development workshops with the aim of creating a world-class, state-of-the-art curriculum for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master. The Joint Master will aim to attract international students for partaking in an intensive and comprehensive study period which will prepare them for professional careers in international governmental and non-governmental organisations, public administrations, and qualify for the next step in an academic career (e.g., pursuing a PhD in Migration Studies at one of the three universities).
Duration | 01/10/2022 - 30/06/2024 |
Funding | EU |
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Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Czaika |
Migration Trends to Austria
Public Lecture; International Institute for Poulation Science, 18/10/2023