• Graduation

    Master of Science (Continuing Education) - MSc (CE)

  • ECTS-Points


  • DFP-Points


  • Learning format

    Blended learning

  • Duration

    3 semesters

  • Costs

    EUR 15.900,--

  • Language


Would you like to take on responsibility in the healthcare sector and acquire the necessary skills in a comprehensive, scientifically sound but compact continuing education program? The extra-occupational continuing education course in “Healthcare Management” provides an overall understanding of business administration, strategy and economics in order to equip people in the intramural or extramural sector with management and leadership skills. Graduates can take over the management of a department, a surgery, an outpatient clinic or a primary care unit.
Camillo Sherif

Thanks to my further training in healthcare management, I was ideally prepared to successfully take on management tasks in the healthcare sector.

Prim. Assoc. Prof. PD Dr.
Camillo Sherif

Head of the Clinical Department of Neurosurgery | University Hospital St. Pölten - Lilienfeld

You are welcome to find detailed information about the program on the German website, as the language of instruction for this program is German, or you can contact us directly.

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