Following the amendment to the University Act passed in 2021, continuing education studies are to be reorganized in Austria. This means that prospective students will have even greater flexibility as well as more options in the future. The University for Continuing Education Krems welcomes the reform package for continuing education in higher education and embraces future possibilities. The new continuing education studies at the University for Continuing Education Krems will start in the winter semester of 2023/2024.

Standardization, permeability, and equivalence

The reform package for continuing education in higher education standardizes the framework conditions for continuing education studies in Austria and adapts them to the Bologna structure (Bachelor - Master - PhD). Thus, in addition to master's studies, there will also be part-time continuing education bachelor's studies in the future. Moreover, people who have completed a continuing education master's program will basically have the opportunity to pursue doctoral studies as well. 

Thus, the equivalence of academic degrees allows for permeability between regular and continuing education studies. The completion of a continuing education bachelor's degree entitles the holder to a master's degree in continuing education as well as to a (regular) master's degree at other universities.

„For prospective students, the redesign of continuing education studies opens up even more flexible options.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Peter Parycek, MAS MSc

Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs / Academic Continuing Education and Digital Transformation (CDO)

Continuing education studies and degrees in the future

As part of the reform of academic continuing education, both bachelor's and master's degrees can be taken in continuing education in the future.

The suffix "CE“ - short for Continuing Education - will be added to the “Bachelor of Arts”, “Bachelor of Science”, “Master of Arts”, and “Master of Science” degrees. The addition (CE) gives visibility to continuing education studies and assists in demonstrating specialized expertise.

Continuing education studies in cooperation with non-university educational institutions are completed with a "Bachelor Professional" or "Master Professional" degree.

In accordance with the new legal framework, prospective students can enroll in continuing education studies at the University for Continuing Education Krems to start in the winter semester of 2023/2024.

Admission requirements Degree

general university entrance qualification

and several years of professional experience

Bachelor of Arts (Continuing Education); BA (CE)

Bachelor of Science (Continuing Education); BSc (CE)

relevant professional qualification

or several years of relevant professional experience

(general university entrance qualification not mandatory)

Bachelor ProfessionalBPr

relevant professional qualification


Executive Master of Business AdministrationEMBA

completed bachelor's degree (in a relevant field)

and several years of professional experience

Master of Arts (Continuing Education); MA (CE)

Master of Science (Continuing Education); MSc (CE)

Master Professional; MPr

Master of Business AdministrationMBA

Master of Laws; LL.M.


Requirements for admission in the future and recognition of learning outcomes

An exchange is currently taking place within the university regarding the definition of the new admission criteria for the individual studies as well as the recognition of acquired learning outcomes in order to continue to guarantee high quality standards.

Before a student begins his or her studies, an individual assessment will be made as to whether the admission requirements have been fulfilled. After the learning outcomes have been validated, professional and extra-professional qualifications may be recognized for academic credit.)

Transitional regulations

Admissions to the previous continuing education courses at the University of Continuing Education Krems will be granted until the end of september 2023.

Students of the previous master's programs can complete the university program within three times the duration of study specified in the curriculum (calculated from 1.10.2023) or within the maximum duration of study specified in the curriculum, if applicable. Please contact the course directors for further information and inquiries.

Frequently asked questions

What makes a continuing education study program special?

What does the suffix (CE) mean for BA (CE), BSc (CE), BEng (CE), MA (CE), MSc (CE) and MEng (CE)?

Is it allowed to use the academic degree ("title") from academic continuing education by name?

What admission requirements apply to master's studies in continuing education?

Which study achievements and learning outcomes can be recognized for future continuing education studies?

Can non-formal and informal learning outcomes (without an acquired certificate) also be credited towards a degree?

Will it still be possible to have achievements from the degree "Certified Program" (CP) or „Academic Expert" (AE) recognized for a master's program at the University for Continuing Education Krems?

Is it possible to start a continuing education study program without a general university entrance qualification (Matura)?

According to the new legal framework, can I take up a doctoral program/PhD program with a completed continuing education master's program in the future?

Current possibilities for continuing education

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