
  • Students are aware of basic definition, history and central actors of global economic relations.
  • Students can explain the main relevant economic theories and their differences and the function of trade relations and global labour markets.
  • Students can differentiate and discuss between impacts and interdependences of globalisation on local level and intercultural cooperation.
  • Students can deduct links between economic processes and migration flows and explain them.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Czaika, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Brenner, Dr. Albert Kraler, Mag. Friedrich Altenburg, MSc


  • History of globalisation 1492 - 2015
  • Economic relations: production, trade and finances
  • Political foundations: actors and systems
  • Postcolonial theory and alternative interpretations
Graduation Certificate of performance
Format Blended learning
ECTS points 7
Participation fee EUR 950.00
28/11/2024 - 01/12/2024
Language German