
The praxis oriented university course imparts expertise for integrating a variety of diverse media into knowledge transfer spaces.Individuals coming from the cultural and media sector who want to explore future-oriented approaches and develop crossmedia exhibition strategies step into real praxis during this module. The focused on practical aspects and best practice examples through both mandatory and optional elements supports individually initiated projects that complete the course.

Anticipated future module title:
Planning and implementation of crossmedia exhibition projects
(Curricula change currently in preparation)


~ Design and implementation of a practical project,
~ Problem analysis and solution models,
~ Expert discussions and feedback,
~ Idea development and networking,
~ Sustainability and integration of SDGs in creative & cultural sector.
~ Diversity & inclusion for teams and audience
~ Optional: copyright and lending, legal and insurance,
~ Optional: funding and fundraising/sponsorship,
~ Optional: communication and marketing,  

NEW: For the 3rd module there will be twelve - 2-hour -online sessions in the period from the end of May to November 2021! 

Graduation Certificate of performance
Format Blended Learning
ECTS points 4
Modul 3
31/05/2021 - 30/11/2021
Language German or English