
Education and health are two sides of the same coin for life expectancy (Lutz/Kebede 2018 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/padr.12141). The decisive factor here is a careful and preventive start to formal learning. This topic, at first glance distant from adult education, was addressed by the second Transdisciplinary Dialogue Adult Education of the Center for Transdisciplinary Continuing Education Research in the Department of Continuing Education Research and Educational Management at the University of Continuing Education Krems. Basically, learning in early childhood is done through play, according to Serap Sevimli-Celik. Play, if given space, generates learning and well-being as if by itself. The fact that body-oriented and play-based forms of learning should also be used in a science-based, goal-oriented manner, for example to build mathematical imagination, was vividly illustrated and tried out in the practical workshop the next day.

Assoc.-Prof.in Dr. Serap Sevimli-Celik, PhD (Elementary & Early Childhood Education, Middle East Technical University, Turkey):

Play for learning and well-being

Furthermore, it is necessary to strengthen the professions involved in this: elementary education and social work, which are extraordinarily important and responsible for the start of all children into lifelong learning, especially in the current "skilled worker shortage status". Accordingly, Julia Höke explained background, principles and examples of research-based learning in the study of working fields of childhood education.

Prof.in Dr. Julia Höke (Didactics and Methodology of Childhood Education & Social Work, Catholic University of Applied Sciences North Rhine-Westphalia):

Research-based learning in the fields of childhood education.

Monika Kil made it clear that learning prerequisites of formal learning along the lifespan have to be ensured in a comprehensive evidence-based way in order to enable learning along the lifespan into later adulthood. Innovative algorithmic medicine-based multilingual educational technologies can make a major contribution here. It must not be the case that learning disorders only become apparent after school through already insufficient learning progress.

Univ.-Prof.in Dr. Monika Kil (Continuing Education Research and Educational Management, University of Continuing Education Krems):

Ensuring learning prerequisites along the lifespan: Algorithm-, medical-based multilingual educational technologies.

The conclusion: Adult education/continuing education performs a central educational task along the lifespan: offering parent education, implementing intergenerational dialogues, initiating community work, using forms of digitally-supported pedagogical support diagnostics, and developing programs that are coherently oriented toward brain health. "Adult education and transdisciplinary continuing education research also consistently place this educational work in the service of the right of all children to participate in education along the lifespan" said the moderator Assist.-Prof. Dr. Filiz Keser Aschenberger and referred to the corresponding sustainability goal of UNESCO to ensure high-quality education for all (https://www.sdgwatch.at/de/ueber-sdgs/4-hochwertige-bildung/).


This year's 2nd transdisciplinary dialogue took place in cooperation with modas, College for Social Pedagogy & the Academy of Education.

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