habil. Mag. Dr. Patricia Engel
Scientific Staff - Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage
+43 2732 893-2580
To contact form
Campus Krems, Trakt UD, 1st Floor, 1.18
- University for Continuing Education Krems
- Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Austria
Projects (Extract Research Database)
Running projects
Textiles in Armenian Manuscripts and Printed Books
Duration: 01/07/2024–30/06/2027
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Patricia Engel
Funding: FWF
Digital Transformation of the Austrian Humanities
Duration: 01/05/2020–30/04/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Patricia Engel
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)
Beasts to Craft: BioCodicology as a new approach to the study of parchment manuscripts
Duration: 01/01/2019–31/12/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Patricia Engel
Funding: EU
Program: Horizon 2020
Completed projects
Risk assessment and sustainable protection of Cultural Heritage in changing environment
Duration: 01/07/2017–30/06/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU
The Origin of the Glagolitic-Old Church Slavonic Manuscripts
Duration: 01/01/2017–31/12/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Patricia Engel
Funding: FWF
Program: FWF
Duration: 04/01/2016–31/12/2016
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Patricia Engel
Funding: Sonstige
Publications (Extract Research Database)
Engel, P. (2024). Manuscript Conservation – a chance or an endangerment? In: BARREIRA, Catarina Fernandes, CASANOVA, Maria Conceição e ANDRADE, Maria Filomena, Cistercian Horizons: 291-302, Trivent Publishing, Trivent
Engel, P.; Banou, P.; Boudalis, G.; Hill, S.; Schirò, J.; Vodopivec Tomažic, J. (2023). Artists’ Paper A Case in Paper History. Berger, Horn / Wien
Engel, P. (2023). Reversibility – Minimal Intervention – Conservation-Codicology: terminology as a tool for awareness raising. Journal of Paper Conservation, 1: 10.1080/18680860.2023.2280662, Taylor & Francis
Engel, P. (2023). Autoptical Codicological Survey. In: Heinz Miklas und Dana Hürner, Die Kiever Blätter (Sacramentarium glagoliticum Sinaiticum) der Vernads’kyjNationalbibliothek der Ukraine (Cod. F. 301, Nr. 328 P), Glagolitica Sinaitica, Band 3: 121-131, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia
Engel, P. (2023). The Paper used by Martin Johann Schmidt. Banou, P., et a., Artists’ Paper A Case in Paper History: 248-274, Berger, Horn / Wien
Engel, P.; Gamerith, A. (2023). Care and conservation in the Cistercian Abbey of Zwettl, Lower Austria: Monastic tradition addressing a modern problem. Triscoll, M., Care and Conservation: 129-145, Tusculum Press, Kopenhagen
Engel P. (2021). Autopical Observation in the Codicology of the Hankenstein-Codex or Vienna Oktoich (Vind. slav. 37) in the Austrian National Library. In: Hnatenko, Liudmyla (Ljudmyla)(ed): Videns#kyj Oktojich,, International collective monograph: 60-90; 91-103, Kyjiv-Viden': Horobec
Engel, Patricia; Ehrl, Harald; (2021). A system in which the old covers shall be documented and preserved: A contribution to the history of book restorationin Austria - Eleonore Klee. Conservation Update, 1/2021: 10-35
Collins, M.; Fiddyment, S; Soto, C.; Tesdale, M.; Vnoucek, J.; Engel, P. (2019). Old Conservation Materials and Methods of Parchment Documents. In: Golob, N.; Tomazic Vodopivec, J., Work of Art on Parchment and Paper, Ljubliana 2019: 25-33, Formatisk, Ljubljana
Engel, P. (2018). Schriftguterhaltung in Archiven und Bibliotheken, ein Handbuch für Musik-, Kirchen-Kommunal-, Privat- und Literaturarvchive/-bibliotheken und die Denkmalpflege. Berger, Horn, Wien
Engel, P. (2018). Old Repairs in Historical Books: A Work in Progress. Care and Conservation, 2018: 227-244
Engel, P. (2018). Armenian Paper: An Attempt at a Contribution into the trade history. IPH Congress Book, Vol 20: 125-130
Baranov, V.; Engel, P.; Fuchsbauer, J.; Miklas, H. (2018). El´Manuscript 2018, 7th Conference on Textual Heritage and Information Technologies. Fabio Cusimano, El'Manuscript 2018, 7th International Conference on Textual Heritage and Information Technologies, Verlag Holzhausen, Wien
Engel, P.; Mohan, T.; Ribitsch, V. (2017). Nov NacinMasovnega Razkisljevanja Nanokult je Priloznost za Arhivske Dekumente/ The New Paper Mass Deacidification Process Nanokut is a Chance for the archival Documents. Archives in the Service of People - People in the Service of Archives: 53-71, Alma Mater Maribor, Maribor
Engel, P. (2017). Systemic Thinking in Conservation Theory. International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor, Atlanti, International review for modern archival theory and practice, 27(1): 205-215, Trieste-Maribor
Boudalis, G. ; Ciechanska, M.; Engel, P.; Ion, R.; Kecskemeti, I.; Moussakova, E.; Pinzari, F.; Schiro, J.; Vodopivec, J. (2016). Historical Book Binding Techniques in Conservation. Berger, Wien, Horn
Boudalis, G. ; Ciechanska, M.; Engel, P.; Ion, R.; Kecskemeti, I.; Moussakova, E.; Pinzari, F.; Schiro, J.; Vodopivec, J. (2016). Mould on Books and Graphic Art . Berger, Wien, Horn
Engel, P. (2016). Sixteenth - century obituary rolls at Kremsmünster Abbey: A case in manuscript preservation and conservation. Department of Nordic Research, University of Copenhagen, Proceedings of the Seminar "Care and Conservation", 2016: 167-182, Museum Tusculanum Press, Kopenhagen
Engel, P.; Ribitsch, V. (2016). Archivgut ist unikal und dennoch Gegenstand von Massenverfahren? – Gedanken zur Massenentsäuerung. Proceedings zur Tagung: Masse und Qualität. Standardisierte Verfahren der Bestandserhaltung in der Diskussion, 47: 86-93
Amornkitbamrung, L.; Mohan, T.; Hribernik, S.; Kargl, R.; Ribitsch, V.; Engel, P. (2016). Stopping mass decay of written heritage – An interdisciplinary approach – Interdisziplinäre Entwicklungsarbeit zur Rettung von Archivgut aus Holzschliffpapier. Restauratorenblätter/ Papers in Conservation, 33: 120-138
Lectures (Extract Research Database)
Borobudur World Wide
Austria Indonesia: Cultural Heritage Conservation, 29/09/2024
Das Foto als Informationsträger eine ‚Jagd‘ durch Indonesien und Europa auf der Suche nach den Fotos
Gedenkfeier in memoriam Prof. Dr. Heinz Miklas, 13/02/2024
Photoconservation – the dry gelatine negative silver glass plates of the Memory oft he World Archives in Borobudur, Indonesia
Workshop, 11/12/2023
Identifying old Conservation Treatment in todays Libraries am 3.11.2023
Written heritage: new challenges and perspectives, 03/11/2023
Conservators without frontiers
Written heritage: new challenges and perspectives, 02/11/2023
Überlegungen zu Globenverpackungen für Magazin, Transport und Ausstellung
International Symposium for the Study of Globes,, 28/09/2023
Manuscript Conservation – a chance or an engangerment?
International Symposium Cistercian Horizons, 2022, 29/10/2022
Traditional conservation methods for parchment and potential impacts on biomolecular records and hindrances to other recent analytical methods
B2C workshop ERC EU Projekt, 22/08/2022
The Paper used by Martin Johann Schmidt
IPH (International Paper Historians) Congress, 15/08/2022
Paper used in or imported to the daspora including Amercia by Armenians
35th IPH Congress: Investigating American Collections on Paper, 07/06/2021