Sarah Nash

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

Nachhaltige Gesundheitsversorgung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Evidenzbasierung

Duration: 13/04/2023–31/03/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Brigitte Piso
Funding: Sonstige

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Nash, S. (2023). The perfect (shit)storm: discourses around the proposal to introduce a ‘climate passport’ in Germany. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, OnlineFirst:

Nash, S. (2023). The View from the Fortress: European Governance Perspectives on Climate Change and Migration. In: Nicholson, C.T.M.; Mayer, B., Climate Migration: Critical Perspectives for Law, Policy, and Research:, Hart Publishing, Oxford

Nash, Sarah Louise; Steurer, Reinhard (2023). Klimapolitik. In: Praprotnik, Katrin; Perlot, Flooh, Das Politische System Österreichs. Basiswissen und Forschungseinblicke., Böhlau Verlag, Wien/Köln

Nash, S.; Praprotnik, K.; Ingruber, D.; Rodenko, R. (2022). Evaluation Report of the Austrian ‘Klimarat’ UWK, Assessment of the Perspectives of the Members and the Public. Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Krems

Nash, S.; Steurer, R. (2022). Klimapolitik. In: Praprotnik, K.; Perlot, F., Das politische System Österreichs. Basiswissen und Forschungseinblicke: 495-520 (Ausgabe 1), Böhlau, Wien

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

The Politics of Climate Change and Human Mobilities in 4 European National Parliaments – A Critical Q Analysis of MPs’ Perspectives on Climate Change and Human Mobilities in Austria, Germany, Denmark,

Environmental and Climate Mobilities Network Annual Conference, 12/07/2023

Climate and parliaments: Towards parliamentary ecosystems. A research agenda.

Tag der Parlamentsforschung, 26/06/2023

Reserach Insights - Austrian Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change

Knowledge Network on Climate Assembles, Learning Call, 22/11/2022

Cross-Sectoral Perspectives on Migration

European Forum Alpbach, 25/08/2022

Disaster Displacement as Loss & Damage: Clarifying Concepts, Understanding Impacts

Triple-D Webinar Series, International Organisation for Migration, 22/07/2022

Klimawandel, Migration und Flucht in der Politik: meine Empfehlungen an eine fiktive Außenministerin

Pint of Science, 09/05/2022

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