
Aim of this randomized controlled study is to test if intensive polyintervention therapy including life style modifications targeting a reduction of modifiable risk factors of stroke can reduce the risk of post-stroke cognitive decline compared to a group of patients receiving standard care.


Duration 07/06/2010 - 31/12/2014
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program Life Science Krems

Department for Clinical Neurosciences and Preventive Medicine

Center for Neurosciences

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Brainin
Project members
Bernadette Firlinger, BA MA
Jaakko Tuomilehto


Brainin, M.; Matz, K.; Nemec, M.; Teuschl, Y.; Dachenhausen, A.; Asenbaum-Nan, S.; Bancher, C.; Kepplinger B.; Oberndorfer, S.; Pinter, M.;, Schnider, P.; Tuomilehto, J.; ASPIS StudyGroup (2015). Prevention of poststroke cognitive decline: ASPIS - a multicenter,randomized, observer-blind, parallel group clinical trial to evaluate multiplelifestyle interventions - study design and baseline characteristics. International Journal of Stroke, 10(4): 627-35

Matz K.; Teuschl, Y.; Firlinger, B.; Dachenhausen, A.; Keindl, M.; Seyfang, L.; Tuomilehto, J.; Brainin, M. (2015). Multidomain Lifestyle Interventions for the Prevention of Cognitive Decline After Ischemic Stroke Randomized Trial. Stroke, 46(10): 2874-80

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