
Untersuchung von motivationalen Aspekten und Wissenstransfereffekten in digitalen Lernspielobjekten für 10- bis 14-jährige.


Duration 01/10/2010 - 31/03/2012
Funding Bund (Ministerien)
Program Sparkling Science

Department for Arts and Cultural Studies

Center for Applied Game Studies

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Dr. Alexander Pfeiffer, MBA MA


Wernbacher, Thomas; Wagner, Michael; Hofstätter, Jörg (2011). Learning by Playing. Proceedings of the Vienna Games Conference

Wenbacher, Thomas; Hofstätter, Jörg (2011). Learning by Playing. ICT&S Salzburg, Opportunities and Challenges when Designing and Developing with Kids @ School

Wernbacher, Thomas; Pfeiffer, Alexander; Wagner, Michael; Hofstätter, Jörg (2011). Learning by Playing. 5th European Conference on Game Based Learning, Athens

Wernbacher, Thomas; Wagner, Michael; Hofstätter, Jörg; Rusch, Doris (2011). Learning by Playing. 7th Games Learning Society Conference, Wisconsin

Wernbacher, Thomas; Wagner, Michael, Michael; Hofstätter, Jörg (2010). Playful Learning. Proceedings of the Vienna Games Conference 2008-2009: Future and Reality of Gaming: Exploring the Edges of Gaming, Braumüller


Spielend Lernen

Vienna Games Conference, 21/10/2011

Learning by Playing

Interaction Design for Children Conference (IDC 2011), 20/06/2011

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