Alexander Pfeiffer

Mag. Dr. Alexander Pfeiffer, MBA MA

Center for Applied Game Studies


Head, Emerging Technologies Experiences Lab
Research Associate

About the person

Research Areas

  • Emerging Technologies (Distributed Systems and Digital Identity
  • Gamification, Serious Games & Nudging
  • E-Sport
  • Cyber Crime (in Digital Experience)

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

ZKPG+: Zero Knowledge Proof Gamification for Promoting Sustainable Corporate Goals and Campaigns

Duration: 01/06/2025–31/05/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: FFG

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Duration: 01/09/2024–31/08/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: FFG

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FROG - Future and Reality of Gaming 2024

Duration: 01/04/2024–31/10/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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Completed projects


Duration: 01/06/2022–31/05/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: sonstige öffentlich-rechtliche Einrichtungen (Körperschaften, Stiftungen, Fonds)

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Carbon Diet

Duration: 01/03/2021–28/02/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: FFG

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Duration: 01/09/2019–31/08/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: FFG

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Create Digital Games for Education

Duration: 01/10/2017–30/08/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: EU
Program: ERASMUS+

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Duration: 01/05/2017–30/04/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: FFG
Program: FFG Talente Regional

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Duration: 01/03/2017–30/04/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: FFG
Program: FFG - Mobilität der Zukunft

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Literate: 5th Mind - Innovationsscheck II

Duration: 14/12/2016–13/12/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: FFG
Program: FFG (Innovationsscheck)

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Frog 2017 - Organisation der Fachtagung Future and Reality of Gaming

Duration: 01/12/2016–01/12/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)
Program: Von besonderen Anliegen der Kinder und Jugendarbeit (bmfj)

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Game Based Learning in der Kinder und Jugendmedienarbeit, Erstellung einer Fachdidaktik Plattform

Duration: 01/12/2016–01/12/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)
Program: Von besonderen Anliegen der Kinder und Jugendarbeit (bmfj)

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Game Based Learning to Alleviate Early School Leaving

Duration: 01/09/2015–01/09/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: EU
Program: ERASMUS+

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Wawra M.; Pfeiffer A. (2025). MMORPGs ALS „TOR ZU EINEM GLÜCKLICHEREM ORT“: BEWÄLTIGUNG DER COVID-19-KRISE DURCH GEMEINSAMES ONLINE-SPIELEN. In: Compagna D., Gaming in Zeiten der Krise: Zur Nutzung, Bedeutung und Funktion digitaler Spiele während der Corona-Pandemie:, Beltz Juventa, 69 469 Weinheim

Denk, N.; Neundlinger, H.; Neundlinger, K.; Pfeiffer, A. (2024). DAC 01 - DIGITAL JOURNAL FOR ARTS & CULTURAL STUDIES: Variations on how to play. University of Krems Press, Krems an der Donau

Koenig, N.; Denk, N.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, Th.; Wimmer, S. (Hrsg.) (2024). Money | Games | Economies. University of Krems Press, Krems/Donau

Thomas WernbacherNikolaus KoenigNikolaus KoenigConstantin KrausAlexander PfeifferAlexander Pfeiffer Wernbacher, T.; Koenig, N.; Kraus, C.; Pfeiffer, A. (2024). Die Fallout-Serie als Lehr- und Lernressource: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von Fallout 3 und Fallout 4. In: Arno Görgen, Rudolf Thomas Inderst, Old World Blues: "Fallout" und das Spiel mit der Postapokalypse:, Buechner Verlag, gesis

Wawra, M; Pfeiffer A. (2024). From Flame to Fame. In: Koenig, N.; Denk, N.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, Th.; Wimmer, S. (Hrsg.), MONEY | GAMES | ECONOMIES: 115-134, University of Krems Press, Krems

Dzihan-Zamagna, S.; Pfeiffer, A. (2024). Harmonizing Rights and Rewards: Music NFTs as a Paradigm for Equitable Compensation in the Digital Era. Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 23:

Pfeiffer, A. (2024). Las Vegas A Nexus of Illusion, Gamification, and the Emerging E-Sports Phenomenon. DAC - DIGITALES JOURNAL FÜR KUNST- & KULTURWISSENSCHAFTEN, 01: 10.48341/e1n6-sc24

Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Bezzina, S.; Dingli, A. (2024). REDEFINING GAMIFICATION IN EDUCATIONAL CONTEXTS: INTEGRATING DATA ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION INTO PLAYFUL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. Proceedings: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 18:

Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Bezzina, S.; Vella, V.; Dingli, A. (2024). EXPLORING THE INTEGRATION OF GENERATIVE AI IN HIGHER EDUCATION: STUDENT PERSPECTIVES AND EXPECTATIONS AT THE UNIVERSITY FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION KREMS. Proceedings: 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 17.: 10.21125/iceri.2024.1207, iated

Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Vella, V.; Dingli, A. (2024). BLOCKCHAIN IN EDUCATIONAL GAMING: STUDENT PERSPECTIVES ON DIGITAL IDENTITY AND CREDENTIAL MANAGEMENT. Proceedings: 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 17: 10.21125/iceri.2024.1215

Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Wawra, M., Dingli, A. (2024). Digital Game-Based Learning und Assessment trifft auf KI. Weiterbildung, 6 2024: 11-15, Ziel-Verlag

Seewald, A. K.; Wernbacher, T.; Winter, T.; Platzer, M., Pfeiffer, A. (2024). Climate-Friendly Online Shopping Within the Green eCommerce Project: A Fitting Tool to Determine T-Shirt Sizes Using Active Depth Sensing. Proceedings: 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 16:

Seewald, A. K.; Wernbacher, T.; Winter, T.; Platzer, M.; & Pfeiffer, A. (2024). Climate-Friendly Online Shopping Within the Green eCommerce Project: A Fitting Tool To Determine T-Shirt Sizes Using Active Depth Sensing. 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 3:

Wawra, M.; Pfeiffer, A. (2024). FROM FLAME TO FAME. WOMEN PLAYER CARDS IN EA’S FC24 AND THEIR JOURNEY TO ACCEPTANCE. Money | Games | Economies, 1: 10.48341/v3e7-1d81, University of Krems Press

Zootzky, G.; Pfeiffer, A. (2024). EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH AI: PREPARING FOR A NEW ERA OF LEARNING. Proceedings: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 18:, iated

Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Vince, V. (2024). Blockchain in der schulischen Bildung als Teil des Bildungswesens: Einsatz von Blockchain Technologien in den Bereichen Gamification und Serious Games. In: Becker, W.; Metz, M., Serious Games und Gamification in der schulischen Bildung. 10.1007/978-3-658-44317-7_4, Springer VS, Wiesbaden

Koenig, N.; Denk, N.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Wimmer, S. (2023). Freedom | Oppression | Games & Play. University of Krems Press, Krems

Pfeiffer, A.; Krishna, N.; Denk, N.; Wernbacher, T. (2023). MEDIA, ARTS AND DESIGN (MAD) ANTHOLOGY II: MAD Pandemic: Stories of Change and Continuity during the COVID-19 Crisis. University of Krems Press, Krems

Pfeiffer, A.; Turing, A. (2023). IMMORTALITY, REDEMPTION, AND RESILIENCE: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HIGHLANDER (1986) AND STAR WARS: EPISODE VI - RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983). In: Pfeiffer, A.; Krishna, N.; Denk, N.; Wernbacher, T., MEDIA, ARTS AND DESIGN (MAD) ANTHOLOGY II MAD Pandemic: Stories of Change and Continuity during the COVID-19 Crisis: 206-229, University of Krems Press, Krems

Wawra, M.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). The freedom of choice: A preliminary analysis of lootboxes in EA FIFA Ultimate Team and the Introduction of a player type model. In: Nikolaus Koenig, Natalie Denk, Alexander Pfeiffer, Thomas Wernbacher, Simon Wimmer, FREEDOM | OPPRESSION | GAMES & PLAY:, University of Krems Press, Krems

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Willkommen im Magic Circle

Prägend Tagung, 05/12/2024

Cultural Shifts in Music: Examining the Impact of AI on Semi-Pro fessional Bands

1st International Conference on Digital Science in Culture, 29/11/2024

2024 vs. The Walking Dead: Technological and Sociological Insights into a Modern Zombie Apocalypse.

Media Arts and Design Conference (MAD) 2024, 24/04/2024

Guardians of Knowledge or Agents of Temptation: AI's Role in the Future of Education

Doktorats Kolloquium AAU, 21/12/2023

The Digital Transformation of Education: A Hyper-Disruptive Era through Blockchain and Generative AI

TEWI-Kolloquium, 04/12/2023

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der pädagogischen Praxis

Fachtagung der Direktorinnen und Direktoren der Humanberuflichen Schulen Oberösterreichs, 21/11/2023


16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 13/11/2023

AI in Media, Arts & Design | Education

Pädagogischer Tag der VBS 1, 04/10/2023

Wozu braucht es eigentlich noch Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)?

Museum + Recht 2023 Symposium zum Thema „KI, Co-Creation & NFT“, 06/06/2023

Blockchain, AI & and Digital Agents: Unlocking the Potential of Game-Based Learning and Assessment

Transforming Education, 09/05/2023

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