Alexander Pfeiffer

Mag. Dr. Alexander Pfeiffer, MBA MA

Center for Applied Game Studies


Research Associate

About the person

Research Areas

  • Emerging Technologies (Distributed Systems and Digital Identity
  • Gamification, Serious Games & Nudging
  • E-Sport
  • Cyber Crime (in Digital Experience)

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

FROG - Future and Reality of Gaming 2024

Duration: 01/04/2024–31/10/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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Completed projects


Duration: 01/06/2022–31/05/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: sonstige öffentlich-rechtliche Einrichtungen (Körperschaften, Stiftungen, Fonds)

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Carbon Diet

Duration: 01/03/2021–28/02/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: FFG

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Duration: 01/09/2019–31/08/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: FFG

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Create Digital Games for Education

Duration: 01/10/2017–30/08/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: EU
Program: ERASMUS+

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Duration: 01/03/2017–30/04/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: FFG
Program: FFG - Mobilität der Zukunft

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Duration: 01/05/2017–30/04/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: FFG
Program: FFG Talente Regional

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Literate: 5th Mind - Innovationsscheck II

Duration: 14/12/2016–13/12/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: FFG
Program: FFG (Innovationsscheck)

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Frog 2017 - Organisation der Fachtagung Future and Reality of Gaming

Duration: 01/12/2016–01/12/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)
Program: Von besonderen Anliegen der Kinder und Jugendarbeit (bmfj)

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Game Based Learning in der Kinder und Jugendmedienarbeit, Erstellung einer Fachdidaktik Plattform

Duration: 01/12/2016–01/12/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)
Program: Von besonderen Anliegen der Kinder und Jugendarbeit (bmfj)

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Game Based Learning to Alleviate Early School Leaving

Duration: 01/09/2015–01/09/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Alexander Pfeiffer
Funding: EU
Program: ERASMUS+

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Wawra M.; Pfeiffer A. (2024). MMORPGs ALS „TOR ZU EINEM GLÜCKLICHEREM ORT“: BEWÄLTIGUNG DER COVID-19-KRISE DURCH GEMEINSAMES ONLINE-SPIELEN. In: Diego Compagna, Gaming in Zeiten der Krise: Zur Nutzung, Bedeutung und Funktion digitaler Spiele während der Corona-Pandemie:, Beltz Juventa, 69 469 Weinheim

Koenig, N.; Denk, N.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Wimmer, S. (2023). Freedom | Oppression | Games & Play. University of Krems Press, Krems

Pfeiffer, A.; Krishna, N.; Denk, N.; Wernbacher, T. (2023). MEDIA, ARTS AND DESIGN (MAD) ANTHOLOGY II: MAD Pandemic: Stories of Change and Continuity during the COVID-19 Crisis. University of Krems Press, Krems

Pfeiffer, A.; Turing, A. (2023). IMMORTALITY, REDEMPTION, AND RESILIENCE: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HIGHLANDER (1986) AND STAR WARS: EPISODE VI - RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983). In: Pfeiffer, A.; Krishna, N.; Denk, N.; Wernbacher, T., MEDIA, ARTS AND DESIGN (MAD) ANTHOLOGY II MAD Pandemic: Stories of Change and Continuity during the COVID-19 Crisis: 206-229, University of Krems Press, Krems

Wawra, M.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). The freedom of choice: A preliminary analysis of lootboxes in EA FIFA Ultimate Team and the Introduction of a player type model. In: Nikolaus Koenig, Natalie Denk, Alexander Pfeiffer, Thomas Wernbacher, Simon Wimmer, FREEDOM | OPPRESSION | GAMES & PLAY:, University of Krems Press, Krems

Wernbacher, T.; Helin; J.; Pfeiffer, A.; Dingli, A. (2023). Das Metaverse aus technischer, soziologischer und ökologischer Sicht: Chancen und Herausforderungen im Kontext der Medienbildung. Medienimpulse, 61: 1-27, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung

Wernbacher, T.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). Kinder im Metaverse: Wie VR, NFTs und Games das Lernen und Spielen revolutionieren. medienconcret, 1.23: 42-25, Deutsches Kinder- und Jugendfilmzentrum (KJF)

Wernbacher, T.; Platzer, M.; Seewald, A.; Winter, T.; Wimmer, S.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). Green eCommerce. IEEE 9th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design (ICCED), 9: 1-6, IEEE

Wernbacher, T.; Wimmer, S.; Denk, N.; Kraus, C.; Mittmann, G.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). Hygiene in the Course of Time: A Serious Adventure Game on the Topic of (Hospital) Hygiene. INTED2023 Proceedings, 17: 1315-1322, IATED

Bezzina, S.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME EXPERIENCES: THE DIGITAL SKILLS FOR THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVOLUTION. iated DIGITAL LIBRARY, 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: 5079-5082, iated DIGITAL LIBRARY, Digital

Häfner, P.; Wernbacher, T.; Pfeiffer, A.; Denk, N.; Economides, A.; Perifanou, M.; Attard, A.; DeRaffaele, C.; Sigurðardóttir, H. (2023). Limits and Benefits of Using Telepresence Robots for Educational Purposes. Auer, M.E., Pachatz, W., Rüütmann, T., Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition. ICL 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems: 23–33, Springer, Cham., Schweiz

Kil, M.; Keser-Aschenberger, F.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). PROCEDURAL DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS FOR ASSESSING AND COMMUNICATION PRE- AND PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN'S LEARNING PREREQUISITES. iated DIGITAL LIBRARY, 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: 5090-5098, iated DIGITAL LIBRARY, Digital

Pfeiffer, A.; Görgen, A (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz im Gaming: Die Zukunft ist jetzt. Gain, Gain Magazin, 20/2023: 22-24, Gain, Deutschland

Pfeiffer, A.; Koenig, N.; Wernbacher, T.; Bezzina, S.; Dingli, A.; Vella, V. (2023). A PROPOSAL FOR CATEGORIZING GAME-BASED ASSESSMENT METHODS. iated DIGITAL LIBRARY, 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference: 1323-1329, iated DIGITAL LIBRARY, Digital

Millonig, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wimmer, S.; Kraus, C.; Platzer, M.; Kaltenegger, S.; Getzinger, G.; Häller, F.; Mayer, J. (2023). Carbon Diet: Opportunities for a climate-friendly level of mobility through the definition of fair individual mobility budgets. Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich, 2023

Dingli, A.; Pfeiffer, A.; Serada, A.; Bugeja, M.; Bezzina, S. (2022). Disruptive Technologies in Media, Arts and Design. Springer, Cham, Schweiz

Koenig, N.; Denk, N.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T. (Hrsg.) (2022). The Magic of Games. Edition Donau-Universität Krems, Krems

Bezzina, S.; Dingli, A.; Pfeiffer, A. (2022). LEVERAGING GAMIFICATION IN EDUCATION THROUGH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. In: iated digital library, INTED2022 Proceedings: 8532, iated digital library, online

Bezzina, S.; Dingli, A.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T. (2022). GAME DESIGN FOR TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT. In: iated digital library, ICERI2022 Proceedings: 2805-2808, iated digital library, Online

Bezzina, S.; Pfeiffer, A.; Dingli, A.; Wernbacher, T. (2022). ENHANCING DIGITAL ASSESSMENT THROUGH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. In: iated digital library, EDULEARN22 Proceedings: 9339-9344, iated digital library, online

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Guardians of Knowledge or Agents of Temptation: AI's Role in the Future of Education

Doktorats Kolloquium AAU, 21/12/2023

The Digital Transformation of Education: A Hyper-Disruptive Era through Blockchain and Generative AI

TEWI-Kolloquium, 04/12/2023

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der pädagogischen Praxis

Fachtagung der Direktorinnen und Direktoren der Humanberuflichen Schulen Oberösterreichs, 21/11/2023


16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 13/11/2023

AI in Media, Arts & Design | Education

Pädagogischer Tag der VBS 1, 04/10/2023

Wozu braucht es eigentlich noch Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)?

Museum + Recht 2023 Symposium zum Thema „KI, Co-Creation & NFT“, 06/06/2023

Blockchain, AI & and Digital Agents: Unlocking the Potential of Game-Based Learning and Assessment

Transforming Education, 09/05/2023

AI and Education

Transforming Education, 08/05/2023

Keynote: "if (KI) {Bildung = Zukunft}: Potenziale, Fallstricke und ethische Herausforderungen des KI Einsatzes im Schulwesen"

eEducation Praxistage 2023, 21/03/2023

The merge of esports and real sport during the first waves of the covid pandemic.

Media Arts and Design Conference 2022 (MAD), 16/12/2022

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