
Hyperacute Serum (HAS) developed by OrthoSera company is an innovative serum-based blood product free of platelets, leukocytes, and fibrin. Hyperacute serum may be obtained as an autologous product, however, OrthoSera has established an innovative protocol for hyperacute serum preparation in allogeneic form, which includes the freezing-drying process as well as IgM and IgG antibody removal. Processed allogeneic blood-derived products donated by healthy, specially selected donors could be key for improving health in an aging population. The previous project aimed to develop the prototype of a point of care medical device called "hypACT-next", which is a combination of stabilized and aseptically produced hyperacute serum in a freeze-dried powder form and a sterilized hyaluronic acid liquid. It was possible to successfully implement an advanced prototype device in a laboratory scale, close to series production. For further development, it is necessary to perform biocompatibility testing, classification process and pre-clinical evaluation of the efficacy of "hypACT-next" in the target indication of knee osteoarthritis. This project aims to translate the laboratory work of the "hypACT-next" prototype development from bench to the bedside. Before switching to clinical study several steps still have to be completed. This translation is a complex process and will inlcude the market launch phase and pre - clinical development with 4 different in-vitro models, previously established by prof. Nehrer's research group at the Danube University.


Duration 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

Department for Health Sciences, Medicine and Research

Center for Regenerative Medicine

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Nehrer, MSc


Kuten-Pella, O.; De Luna, A.; Kramer, K.; Neubauer, M.; Nehrer, S.; Lacza, Z. (2021). Regenerative Potential of Blood-Derived Products in 3D Osteoarthritic Chondrocyte Culture System. Curr Issues Mol Biol, 43(2): 665-675

Olmos Calvo, I.; Kuten-Pella, O.; Kramer, K.; Madár, À.; Takács, S.; Kardos, D.; Simon, D.; Erdö-Bonyár, S.; Berki, T.; De Luna, A.; Nehrer, S.; Lacza Z. (2021). Optimization of Lyophilized Hyperacute Serum (HAS) as a Regenerative Therapeutic in Osteoarthritis. Int J Mol Sci, 22 (14): 7496


PRP und Co- update Blutprodukte- Forschung und Therapie

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6. PRAEVENIRE Gesundheitstage, 18/05/2021

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