
The European Commission has appointed the University of Latvia (UL) as coordinator of an EU-wide project to implement cancer screening programs. This project aims to fully implement breast, colorectal and cervical cancer screening and evaluate pilot studies for new cancer screening programs. It supports EU member states in implementing cancer screening recommendations. The collaboration covers all EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Ukraine. The project includes 11 work packages, including coordination, dissemination, evaluation, sustainability, surveillance, addressing barriers and funders to screening, implementation research, supporting new approaches, risk-based strategies, modeling and technology assessment to optimize cancer screening in Europe, and capacity building. The Center for Evaluation is part of the collaborative as the leader of the Evaluation Work Package. Funded by the European Union.


Duration 01/04/2024 - 31/03/2028
Funding EU
Logo - European Union

Department for Evidence-based Medicine and Evaluation

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Ludwig Grillich
Project members
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