From 12 to 14 September the summer colloquium Wachau was held for the fifth time at the Archives of Contemporary Arts. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Henke (Universität Siegen) headed the event as first-time cooperation between the Archives of Contemporary Arts and the Ernst Krenek Institute.
Following the title “two composers represent one century: Ernst Krenek and Friedrich Cerha” the attendants gave presentations on both composers. Throughout the overriding themes a broad and interesting view was set upon the music of the 20th century. After Christine Rigler, Head of the Archives spoke introductory words; Reinhard Widerin introduced the Archive’s working methods Lenka Nota presented the Cerha collection. Subsequently the archive’s stock with its original documents was open for research and insights. In the course of a question-answer session students were able to get to know the composer Friedrich Cerha and his wife Gertraud closer.
The last day of the colloquium was dedicated to the composer Krenek offering guides to the Ernst Krenek Institute on the campus of Danube University Krems as well to the Minoritenplatz in Krems/Stein.