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University for Continuing Education Krems
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In research and teaching, the Center for Applied Music Research deals with the fundamentals as well as current and future challenges of musical life that have arisen as a result of digitalization, technical innovation and processes of social change.
The Center for Applied Game Research deals with the transfer of current results in the field of interactive visual media research into the professional practice. The focus lies on the combination of expertise in games, media and educational science, which allows the complex relationship between games and society to be taken into account in teaching and research.
The Centre for Image Studies (ZBW) researches the global image revolution caused by new media and its effects on our culture. In research and teaching, the centre has an interdisciplinary approach that places particular emphasis on linking theory and practice and provides answers to the "iconic turn" that now permeates all areas of our society and culture.
The Center for Museum Collections Management conducts research on material evidence from the world of art, culture and nature. Above and beyond specimen-related research, the different approaches to collecting are placed on a theoretical level for discussion and developed further.
The collection focuses on the areas of music, literature, film and architecture. In addition to the archival tasks of preservation, preparation and presentation of the collections, the activity of the archive also includes the conception and execution of research projects and scientific conferences, as well as its own publications.
"Digital Memory Studies" deals with the mediality of structures derived from the past and of memory, the latter on both an individual as well as collective level. Thereby the focus is laid on digital technologies.