There is a unanimous opinion that in Austrian literature, Hans Weigel (1908-1991) was a man who could not be ignored in the decades after the war. Even today, Weigel is still perceived primarily as a literary manager, as a "promoter" of young writers; his publication of the anthologies "Stimmen der Gegenwart" (1951-1956) is part of every literary history.

This volume traces the work of Hans Weigel for the first time on a broad academic basis. Up to then, he had led an existence as a “God be with us” of Bachmann research. On the one hand, the contributions show Weigel's versatile artistic and journalistic activities, from cabaret artist to critic and novelist to literary manager. On the other hand, they deal with Weigel as a contemporary witness, as a symptom, as an important co-creator of the discourses of the Cold War, as an intervener and litigant. On the other hand, with their focus on the post-war period, they offer a portrait of an era in the history of Austrian literature that is still little illuminated.

With contributions by Stefan Maurer, Joseph McVeigh, Doris Neumann-Rieser, Barbara Nowotny, Heide Pils, Evelyne Polt-Heinzl, Peter Roessler, Wolfgang Straub, Daniela Strigl.

Wolfgang Straub (editor): Hans Weigel. Kabarettist - Kritiker - Romancier - Literaturmanager,  Vienna, Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2014 (The Archives of Contemporary Arts, Writings Volume 2). 188 pages with colored illustrations, ISBN 978-3-7065-5392-6.

Further information: Studienverlag

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