
Even in the early stages of inflammatory processes, healing processes counteract the destruction of tissues and organs. Tissue and organ regeneration is organized on the one hand by differentiated cells or mediated by the differentiation of stem cells along the individual cell type. Mesenchymal stem cells are the stem cells of the connective tissue and thus the essential stem cells for the restoration of destroyed tissues and organs.
In addition to their regenerative ability, mesenchymal stem cells can also take on immunoregulatory abilities, although the exact mechanisms are unknown. In this research project, molecular mechanisms as well as physical properties of mesenchymal stem cells will be investigated and correlated to their immunoregulatory abilities.

Funding: Country of Lower Austria, Life Science Call




Duration 01/01/2017 - 30/06/2020
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program Life Science Call NFB

Department for Biomedical Research

Center for Experimental Medicine

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Bernhard Fischer

Project Manager

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