
Research / topics

  • Complex Systems
  • Social Systems


Current lectures

  • Complex Systems
  • Information, communication & innovation

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

AGRoECOlogical FARMing

Duration: 01/12/2023–30/11/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Kay Mühlmann
Funding: EU

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ERASMUS Mundus Joint Master "Transition, Innovation and Sustainaility Environments"

Duration: 01/09/2020–31/08/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Kay Mühlmann
Funding: EU

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Completed projects

Virtual Business Strategic Games in Online Higher Education

Duration: 01/03/2021–31/08/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Kay Mühlmann
Funding: EU

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Digital Transformation of Global Entrepreneurial Mindsets

Duration: 01/09/2019–31/05/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Kay Mühlmann
Funding: EU

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Verständliches InformAtionsDesign für UnternehmensKommunikationsTechnologie

Duration: 15/04/2010–15/06/2013
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Kay Mühlmann
Funding: FFG
Program: FFG (Bridge)

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soroptimist internatinal

Duration: 01/03/2004–01/10/2004
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Kay Mühlmann
Funding: Unternehmen

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Pietrzykowski, M.; Cardinali, S.; Mühlmann, K. (2023). fostering digital skills and competencies in higher education. Bugucki Wydawinctwo Naukowe, Polen

Steffelbauer I.; Laubichler, M.D.; Zenk, L.; Schernhammer, E.; Birmann, B.M.; Bertau, M.; Caniglia, G.; Mühlmann K.; Satalkina, L.; Steiner, G. (2023). Complexity Literacy for a Sustainable Digital Transition: Cases and Arguments from Transdisciplinary Education Programs. In: IGI Global, Digitalization, New Media, and Education for Sustainable Development:, IGI Global, IGI Global

Mühlmann, K.; Satalkina, L.; Zenk, L.; Steiner, G. (2022). Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments, TISE: A Showcase of Education Geared Towards Societal Challenges and Future Orientation. In: M. E. Auer, H. Hortsch, O. Michler, & T. Köhler (Eds.), Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development—Challenges for Higher Education: 879–887, Springer International Publishing, Springer, Cham

Satalkina, L.; Zenk, L.; Mühlmann, K.; Steiner, G. (2022). Beyond Simple: Entrepreneurship as a Driver for Societal Change. In: M. E. Auer, H. Hortsch, O. Michler, & T. Köhler (Eds.), Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development—Challenges for Higher Education: 888–896, Springer International Publishing, Springer, Cham

Mühlmann, K.; Schreder, G.; Nagl, M.; Zenk, L. (2017). Socio-cognitive systems of organizational culture and communication. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communication, 3/3: 181-193

Mühlmann, K.; Nagl, M.; Schreder, G. (2016). Erzählungen und soziale System. Narration in der Internen Kommunikation. In: Nowak, R.; Roither, M., Interne Organisationskommunikation. Theoretische Fundierungen und praktische Anwendungsfelder: 195-213, Springer VS, Wiesbaden

Mühlmann, K.; Nagl, M.; Schreder, G.; Mayr, E. (2014). Von Helden und Schurken - Ein sozio-kognitives Modell zu Wirkungen von Narrationen in Organisationen. In: Ettl-Huber, S., Storytelling in der Organisationskommunikation. Theoretische und empirische Befunde: 27-40, Springer VS, Wiesbaden

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Beyond Simple: Entrepreneurship as a Driver for Societal Change

24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning & 50th IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, 22-24.09.2021, 23/09/2021

Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments, TISE: A showcase of education geared towards societal challenges and future orientation

24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning & 50th IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, 22-24.09.2021, 23/09/2021

Journalism and Narration

Seminar, 01/12/2011

Journalism and Narration

QJNT, 24/11/2011

Narration and Journalismus

ZHAW Gastvortrag, 14/04/2011

Working with Stories in Workplace Communication

CNN Conference, 11/03/2011

Benutzerlust - Benutzerfrust: Über die Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Alltagstechnologien

Lange Nacht der Forschung, Donau-Universität Krems, 05/11/2010

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