
The European Commission has given Danube University Krems the new Joint Master Program "Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments". Danube University Krems will coordinate the program, which is funded with 4.1 million Euros. In this tender round 2020, three other universities from Austria will receive funding for joint Master programs in addition to Danube University Krems, who is currently the only university in Austria coordinating three Erasmus Mundus consortia.

Danube University Krems will jointly coordinate with four European universities and other partners from research and practice to carry out the new Master's program "Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments" after a one-year preparatory phase starting in autumn 2020. The program is funded by the European Commission with 4.1 million euros as part of the Erasmus Mundus Program.

Focus on social transformation

Designed as a four semester Master of Science, the new European program "Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments" is planned for managing social transformation processes. Analyzing and shaping sustainable and resilient processes and structures in society, business and industry are the program’s core, which follows a strong transdisciplinary approach by keeping the learning process based of an intensive exchange between science and practice. Students should gain a comprehensive understanding of the couplings between human-nature-technology systems, know about positive and negative mechanisms as well as the effects transition processes have and experience how to initiate appropriate interventions and assess their innovative potential.

The program starts in Portugal at the project partner Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the second semester takes place at University College Dublin, Ireland. The Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland takes the center stage for the third semester. Danube University Krems, serves as venue for the fourth semester and will host the graduation ceremony.

Next to the four universities, further partners of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Program are: Scuola del Design de Politecnico Milano, Italy; Complexity Science Hub Vienna; EURAC Research, Bolzano; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg; Athena Research and Innovation Centers for Knowledge and Communication Technologies, Greece as well as partners from the field. The program is planned to start in the Winter semester 2021/2022.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programs (EMJMD) are developed by at least three universities from three different Erasmus+ program countries. They offer an international Master's degree course during which students complete their studies at several locations in Europe and worldwide.

Danube University Krems coordinates three Erasmus Mundus Programs.

In 2018, the two by Danube University Krems coordinated Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programs MARIHE "Research and Innovation in Higher Education" and "Media Arts Cultures" were extended. With the new Master "Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments", Danube University Krems is the only public university in Austria that currently coordinates three Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programs.

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