The Transdisciplinarity Laboratory Sustainable Digital Environments at Danube University Krems researches effects of digitalization. The project "Forming a Responsible Use of Digital Data in Transdisciplinary Process" (DiDaT) investigated unintended effects. Experts will present and discuss the “Weissbuch” resulting from the project at an online event on 2 March 2021.
Digitization is fundamentally changing all areas of life. This has advantages, jet adverse side effects occur. For the past two years, the project "DiDaT Digital Data as the Subject of a Transdisciplinary Process" has been dealing with the unintentional side effects or "unseens" of the digital transformation.
Experts from science and practice identified relevant adverse consequences when using digital data in the areas of mobility, health, agriculture, the future of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the use of social media, and developed socially robust guidelines for dealing with them in this transdisciplinary process.
DiDaT is led by Prof Ortwin Renn (IASS Potsdam), Prof Roland W. Scholz (IASS, Danube University Krems), Markus Beckedahl ( and Stephan Noller (ubirch GmbH, Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft). Representatives from business, civil society and academia were involved.
“Weissbuch” summarizes the results of DiDaT, focusing on three main aspects:
- Identifying and describing the "unseens," i.e., the unintended but expected or possible consequences, and to assess their significance against the background of normative goals and values.
- Conflicting goals arise when dealing with the "unseens" because different stakeholders pursue different goals that are associated with different values, interests, economic consequences, and/or ethical principles.
- Each White Paper chapter provides "Socially Robust Orientations" for dealing with the unintended consequences. These orientations outline how action would need to be taken to arrive at a responsible and sustainable approach to digital data.
“Weissbuch” on "Unseens" - presentation, handover and discussion:
Date: 2 March 2021
Start: 16:00
Place: online
Opening and presentation of the project:
Prof Peter Parycek (Fraunhofer FOKUS; member of DiDaT Steering Boards, Danube University Krems)
Prof Ortwin Renn (Science perspective)
Prof Roland W. Scholz (Science perspective)
Markus Beckedahl (Civil society perspective)
Stephan Noller (Economy perspective)
"Weissbuch" - handover to and commentary by:
Hanna Gleiss (Zivilgesellschaftliche Vernetzungsstelle gegen Hate Speech im Internet)
Yvonne Hofstetter (essayist, lawyer, entrepreneur, lecturer; Civil society perspective)
Claus D. Ulmer (Deutsche Telekom; Economy perspective)
Prof Ulrich Kelber (The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information)
With “Weissbuch”, the editors would like to initiate a discussion about an economically viable, socially acceptable and ethically justifiable handling of digital data in Germany and beyond. The discussion’s outcomes are expected to contribute to a better management of the many side effects identified.
Scholz, R. W., Beckedahl, M., Noller, S., Renn, O., with the collaboration of Albrecht, E., Marx, D., & Mißler-Behr, M. (2021). Weissbuch (Eds.). DiDaT Weissbuch: Orientierungen zum verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit digitalen Daten – Orientierungen eines transdisziplinären Prozesses. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
You will receive the “Weissbuch” as pdf file and further information after registration.
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