The University for Continuing Education Krems ‘upgrades’ your knowledge: the eponymous magazine covers from different perspectives academic continuing educational trends and topics related to society and education policy opening space for an interdisciplinary approach.

Interreg Logoupgrade – the magazine for knowledge and thinking ahead by the University for Continuing Education Krems, is only available in German. However, please find selected articles in English in the section below.

Current issue

Ways of Art

Header upgrade

Art comes in many forms. To define it would be to limit it. Like science, art seeks to explain, understand, and reflect on the world. Art's constant questioning of what we take to be truth and knowledge is sometimes uncomfortable, but it ensures societal progress. Artistic creation enriches our lives. Not only through beauty, but as a mirror of the world and ourselves. Issue 2-24, which focuses on "Art and Meaning," outlines the levels of meaning that art has today, the challenges that collections face, the financial side of the arts, especially in music, and the opportunities that AI offers the arts. Semiotic components of art are described in the picture series "Work and Meaning".

The entire issue is available on the German site
Cover Upgrade 2.24

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