The Department for Migration and Globalization wants to invite you to the
Interdisciplinary Research Seminar – DUK and oiip
Emigration in South-Eastern Europe – Is the region losing its future?
Date: 12. November 2020
Time: 11:00 am
Place: Zoom Meeting-ID: 982 6680 0538 | Passwort: 431084
Dr. Vedran Dzihic, senior researcher at oiip will present and discuss with Alida Vracic and Samir Beharić the emigration phenomenon in South-Eastern Europe.
Southeastern Europe has seen significant emigration over the past two or three decades. In the last 15 years the region lost almost 4.5 million people and recent forecasts for Croatia and Serbia show that the decline in population will amount to -17.6% for Serbia and -22.0% for Croatia by 2040. The massive emigration of young and highly qualified people to Western Europe is challenging the future development of the societies in the region, both from an economic (‘brain drain’) as well as from a political (‘national identity’) perspective. These perspectives on the emigration phenomenon can easily be politically exploited. In this webinar, we want to focus not only on local drivers of emigration but also on possible strategies both in the EU and in the region to promote circular migration and other mobility models. The exchange of views between migration scholars, policy experts and activists promises to open up new avenues to understand and cope with the phenomenon.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Czaika, Head of Department for Migration and Globalization
Dr. Vedran Dzihic, senior researcher at oiip, lecturer at the University of Vienna and non-resident Senior Fellow at Center for Transatlantic Relations, School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, Washington D.C.
Alida Vracic, co-founder and executive directress of “Populari”, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe’s Futures Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna and a Visiting Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
Samir Beharić, a recent Global Studies graduate from the University of Vienna and Leipzig University, Board Member within the Western Balkans Alumni Association, and a Fellow with the German Marshall Fund’s Transatlantic Inclusion Leaders Network.
This online event will be held in English.
See here the flyer of the Online Event.
Vanessa Schmutzer, BA