
The military attack on Ukraine triggers the largest movement of refugees in Europe since World War 2. As scientists who have been working on the conditions for effective protection and social integration of refugees for many years, we are dismayed by these events and declare our solidarity with all refugees from this region without distinction of nationality, gender, age, religion and belief or sexual orientation. 

The war has also forced scientists from Ukraine to flee, unable to continue their research work. The Department of Migration and Globalization offers specific support for colleagues from Ukraine working in our broad research field. See the following links for more information. 

Furthermore, many members of the Department have joined an appeal by Austrian migration researchers against this war and for the adequate protection of all refugees. The appeal and the list of supporters can be found at https://www.oeaw.ac.at/en/kmi/aktivitaeten/stellungnahmen

JESH-Ukraine – Emergency Call from Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW) 

Target Group 

Applications are invited from Ukrainian citizens who have completed their doctorate/PhD studies and are affiliated as scientists or scholars with a university or non-university research institution in Ukraine. 

Extent and Duration of Funding 

JESH-Ukraine covers the cost of living for a research stay of up to a maximum of 4 months (with the possibility of extension). Expenses are paid at a flat rate of EUR 2,700 per fellow per month.  

Other project-related expenses or overheads are not covered by this fellowship but may be covered by the host institution. 

English: https://stipendien.oeaw.ac.at/en/fellowships/jesh-ukraine  


Crisis Support of Fonds for Science and Research (FWF) 

Everyone leading FWF-funded research projects is called upon to consider temporarily integrating researchers from Ukraine into their project teams. Applying to the Austrian Science Fund FWF for the required funding will be quick and straightforward. As a result, some 20 to 30 Ukrainian researchers will get initial financial security and the opportunity to continue their scientific work, moreover, in close interaction with colleagues throughout Austria. Crisis support for Ukrainian researchers may be provided for all career levels and research fields (e.g. postdocs, PhD students, technical assistants, etc.) for up to 12 months and no more than two persons per project. 

English: https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/news-and-media-relations/news/detail/nid/20220314 

The Department for Migration and Globalisation can host up to two scientists for up to 12 months in its project SYREALITY: Syrian imaginations of Europe meet reality (2022-2026) led by Lea Müller-Funk. Researchers with a background in social science (especially quantitative methods) and an interest in (forced) migration are invited to send her an email (lea.mueller-funk@danube-uni.ac.at) including a short letter of intent and a CV. 

For more information and further consultation for this funding, please contact our Scientific Manager Sabina Ertl (sabina.ertl@donau-uni.ac.at).

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