All Publications of the Department

Wolff. S.; Zardo, F. (2024). The role of sub-national actors in coordinative Europeanisation: insights from the digitalisation of asylum services. Comparative European Politics, online:

Weisner, Z.; Vidal, P.; Kraler, A.; Czaika, M. (2024). Trust in Transit: External Migration Control and Migrants’ Perceptions of Humanitarian Borderwork in the Sahel. International Migration Review, 0: 0

Neubauer, J. (2024). Book Review: Mobility Economies in Europe's Borderlands. International Migration Review, 0(0): 1-3

Neubauer, J. (2024). Envisioning futures at new destinations: geographical imaginaries and migration aspirations of Nepali migrants moving to Malta. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 0(0): 1-20

Czaika, M.; Bohnet, H.; Zardo, F.; Bijak, J. (2024). European migration governance in the context of uncertainty. International Migration, 26 July 2024:

Soto Nishimura, A.; Czaika, M. (2023). Exploring Migration Determinants: a Meta-Analysis of Migration Drivers and Estimates. Journal of International Migration and Integration, Oktober 2023:

Müller-Funk, L. (2023). Violence, life aspirations and displacement trajectories in civil war. International Migration, 61: 209–227

Müller-Funk, L.; Fröhlich, C.; Bank, A. (2023). Disentangling Forced Migration Governance: Actors and Drivers Along the Displacement Continuum. International Migration Review, online first: online first

Müller-Funk, L.; Üstübici, A.; Belloni, M. (2023). Daring to aspire: theorising aspirations in contexts of displacement and highly constrained mobility. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, online first: online first

Czaika, M.; Bohnet, H.; Zardo, F. (2023). Categorical and spatial interlinkages within the European migration policy mix. European Union Politics, Online First:

Zardo, F.; Rössl, L.; Khoury, C. (2023). Adapting to Crisis: The Governance of Public Services for Migrants and Refugees during COVID-19 in Four European Cities. social sciences, 2023, 12(4): 213 ff.

Czaika, M.; Erdal, M.B.; Talleraas, C. (2023). Exploring Europe’s external migration policy mix: on the interactions of visa, readmission, and resettlement policies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49 (12): 3140-3161

Müller-Funk, L.; Fransen, S. (2023). ’I will return strong’: The role of life aspirations in refugees’ return migration. International Migration Review, 57(4): 1739-1770

Müller-Funk, L.; Natter, K. (2023). Forced migration governance in Tunisia: Balancing risks and assets for state-making during independence and democratization. Mediterranean Politics, forthcoming: forthcoming

Zardo, F.; Wolff S. (2022). Decentering the Study of Migration Governance in the Mediterranean. Geopolitcs, 27: 678-702

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