WKO - Wirtschaftskammer Österreich | Rudolf-Sallinger-Saal im Oktogon | Wiedner Hauptstraße 63 | 1045 Wien
Usually seen as a means or entertainment, classical music is more than that. It is a way of communication, an education and career path, but also a useful tool for cultural diplomacy and international relations. How is classical music timely today, and in what ways is it relevant in today’s societies? How can it help us to address everyday challenges and how can it influence our lives?
Renowned experts and professionals will join us and provide insights on the different roles and effects of culture and classical music in today’s societies:
- Yana Barinova (ERSTE Foundation)
- Birgit Hinterholzer (Jeunesse Musicale)
- Klara Koštal (UNESCO - Working Group on Cultural Diversity Austria)
- Helen Leitner (EUYO - European Union Youth Orchestra, head of communications)
- Reanne Leuning (ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA – Creative Industries)
- Marshall Marcus (EUYO - European Union Youth Orchestra, executive & artistic director)
- Olga Kolokytha (University for Continuing Education Krems, program director of master's program "Music Business & Culture")
- Azis Sadikovic (international conductor, ClassiXX@NOW)
- Esther Schollum (Artists' Management Wien)
- Christopher Widauer (digital development expert and tech start-up entrepreneur)
- Sven-Kristian Wolf (international photographer, Orchestrapunk)"
- Markus Wolfsteiner (Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs Austria)"
The event is powered by go international, a funding initiative of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. The event is curated by Center for Applied Music Research and Campus Culture at University for Continuing Education Krems in cooperation with EUYO - European Union Youth Orchestra. All changes reserved.
Fees & Registration
- Participation is free
- Registration is possible till November 22, 2024
- Language of the event: English

Music and Entrepreneurship, Certificate Program
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Krems-Steiner Landstraße 26, Ground Floor, Büro