Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
An essential outcome of the SOS Heritage project is the development of a training course on cultural heritage protection and risk management strategies. Led by the Center for Cultural Property Protection, an online course will be developed specifically for experts and professionals in the cultural sector (e.g. owners of historic houses, conservators, restorers, managers and staff of historic buildings, monuments, archaeological sites, museums, archives, libraries and art galleries). The course provides know-how and (digital) tools to address the current challenges posed by the climate crisis.
The course language is English.
Course start at any time.
The online course is freely accessible via the iMooX platform and can be completed free of charge, independent of time and place, without access or admission restrictions. Its integrative, modular and transdisciplinary structure allows it to be integrated into existing university curricula and is particularly aimed at people who already have basic knowledge in the field of cultural property protection and risk management and who aspire to a professional career as a cultural property risk manager.
As a basis for this course we recommend the online course of our sister project: 'Risk Management for Cultural Heritage'.
The SOS Heritage Online Course consists of 5 units divided into several thematic lessons. Each lesson covers the respective topic in depth. Numerous international specialists from the cultural sector and experts from various fields of cultural heritage protection and risk management present their lectures in short video units.
With more than 20 hours of video content and self-study material, the course covers the 5 thematic priorities and fields of specialisation:
- Basics of Cultural Heritage Protection
- Categorisation of Risks
- Preparing and Handling
- Preparation of Emergency Plans
- Management of complex Emergencies with the SOS Heritage Web App
iMooX | TU GRAZ - Graz University of Technology
With iMooX, Graz University of Technology offers a platform with freely accessible and openly licensed online courses (Massive Open Online Course - MOOC) on various topics. These MOOCs are available to all interested parties after registration on the platform and can be attended at any time and from any place where there is an internet connection and can be completed at an individual pace.