This page includes information for

     > Exchange students and trainees

     > Staff

and includes the support services

     > Inclusive Mobility Kit

     > Students with fewer opportunities

     > Green Mobility Kit

Exchange students and trainees

Erasmus+ funds the international mobility of students for study periods and traineeships abroad, in blended or short-term mobility, in any of the EU member states, as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, the Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Turkey, and Republic of Serbia. In individual cases, mobility is funded worldwide. Semesters abroad or study stays are only possible at partner universities.

Students in continuing education programs leading to a Bachelor's or Master's degree (180 or 120 ECTS credits respectively) are eligible to apply for Erasmus+ grants. Students in Certificate Programs, Academic Expert Programs and Micro-Credential Programs (seminars/modules) as well as students in other continuing education study programs are not eligible for funding according to the Erasmus+ guidelines.

PhD students without a salaried position can apply for Erasmus+ short-term mobilities (the mandatory virtual component does not apply to PhD mobilities). Employed PhD students are generally funded as members of staff.

List partner universities 

As an Erasmus+ student you will not have to pay study fees at the host institution. However, you must continue paying the study fees for courses at University for Continuing Education Krems. Additionally, Erasmus+ students are funded for their stay abroad.

Erasmus+ international mobility formats for students include:

  • Study periods
  • Study periods combined with a short traineeship
  • Internships
  • Internships for recent graduates
  • Blended mobility (is possible for study periods and traineeships and combines a physical stay with a virtual component)
  • Short-term mobility with a virtual component for students studying parallel to employment who cannot participate in long-term mobility activities
  • Participation in a Blended intensive programme

Funding rates 2023 (German only)

Funding rates 2024 (German only)

Tip: Erasmus+ students receive an additional 50 Euros for using ecological means of transport for their stay abroad. Erasmus+ students, who are parents and bring their children to the country of destination as well as those with disabilities or chronic illnesses can receive additional funding, which can be applied for at the Service Center for International Relations.

Erasmus+ study periods last a minimum of five days and a maximum of twelve months. For stays of less than two months a mandatory virtual component must be part of the traineeship. The period of study and the academic achievements at the foreign partner university are determined in advance with your course director in the Learning Agreement, determined in advance via notice of annulment, and recognized towards your studies after return to Krems.

TipFurthermore, an Erasmus+ study stay can be combined with a short traineeship.

You will need the following to apply for Erasmus+:

  • Erasmus+ Data Sheet (available upon request at the Service Center for International Relations)
  • A complete, signed Learning Agreement (either as an Online Learning Agreement or in paper format. Template available upon request at the Service Center for International Relations)
  • Certificates, diplomas and testimonials, if required
  • CV
  • Letter of Motivation
  • Proof of language proficiency (if required)
  • Photo

Please visit the homepage of the partner university you are interested in for specific application documents.

Applications for the following winter semester are possible until May 1st, and applications for the following summer semester until November 1st. The partner universities’ application deadlines can deviate.

Erasmus+ traineeships can be completed during studies, but also within twelve months after graduation if financial support was already applied for during the studies/before graduation. To be eligible for Erasmus+ funding, a traineeship must last at least five days and not more than twelve months. For stays of less than two months a mandatory virtual component must be part of the traineeship.

Traineeships are sought by the students themselves. If a traineeship has been approved, Erasmus+ funding can be applied for via the Service Center for International Relations.

Erasmus+ grants can be applied for until up to 6 weeks before the start of the traineeship. The following documents are required for a successful application:

  • Data Sheet (available upon request at the Service Center for International Relations)
  • Learning Agreement for Traineeships (available upon request at the Service Center for International Relations)

Any study stay as well as any traineeship can be organised and conducted as blended mobility (combination of virtual and physical presence, the latter with a minimum share of two months).

What is more, students of the University for Continuing Education Krems can take part in a short-term mobility programme (study or traineeship) combined with a virtual component if – due to professional occupation – no long-term exchange is possible. The duration of physical presence lasts from five to thirty days maximum. The minimum credit for this blended mobility is 3 ECTS.

Tip: Erasmus+ funding can be used for a total of twelve months of each study cycle (Master, PhD) and can be freely divided between study periods and traineeships or a combination thereof. Traineeships for recent graduates count to the preceding study cycle and Erasmus+ funding must be applied before graduation.

Assistance and advice: individual (tele)consultation on demand upon request. Please contact


Erasmus+ teaching or training stays are business trips. All employed staff of University for Continuing Education Krems are eligible for an Erasmus+ teaching mobility, training mobility or for a combination between teaching and training mobility. The latter do not require an inter-institutional agreement and can take place at any university, educational institution, or organization within the programme countries (EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Turkey, and Republic of Serbia). In individual cases, mobility is funded worldwide. A stay in programme countries must last a minimum of two consecutive days and a maximum of two months. A stay in partner countries worldwide must last a minimum of five consecutive days and a maximum of two months. Teaching mobilities must include at least eight hours per week (this also applies for stays under one week). Days involving travel only are not considered towards the calculation of the period of stay.

List partner universities

Erasmus+ international mobility formats for staff include:

  • Teaching stays (for own staff as well as for incoming staff from foreign enterprises)
  • Training stays (for own staff)
  • Combined stays: teaching and training
  • Blended mobility (combined physical stay with a virtual component)
  • Blended intensive programs

Tip: Stays can not take place in your country of residence.

We kindly ask you to first clarify your mobility with your superior. You will then receive all necessary application forms for Erasmus+ from the Service Center for International Relations. To process your mobility via Erasmus+, we require a written invitation letter from the hosting university/ organization (an e-mail from the partner is sufficient).

The selection procedure is handled by the Service Center for International Relations according to the Erasmus+ objectives and priorities. These are: Inclusion and Diversity, Digital Transformation, Environment and Fight Against Climate Change, Participation in Democratic Life, Common Values and Civic Engagement.

Shortly before you finish your stay, ask your host to issue a Confirmation of Stay (template available upon request at the Service Center for International Relations).

You will receive the following documents from the Service Center for International Relations:

  • Mobility Agreement for Teaching/ Training
  • Grant Agreement
  • Confirmation of Stay (template)

Any study stay as well as any continuing-education exchange can be organised and conducted as blended mobility (combination of virtual and physical presence, the latter comprehending a minimum stay of two days in a row within programme countries or five consecutive days in partner countries).

Note: Erasmus+ funding is only available for completed teaching and/or training stays. Should you not be able to travel, all associated costs will have to be refunded by the department.

Tip: An inter-institutional agreement must be in place with the host university for purposes of teaching mobility.

An overview of the partner universities and further information on international mobility is available upon request at the Service Center for International Relations (

Assistance and advice: individual (tele)consultation on demand upon request. Please contact

Inclusive Mobility Kit

When planning a stay abroad as part of one’s studies or work at the University for Continuing Education Krems, the principles of inclusion and diversity apply. This means that the conditions for studying, learning or temporarily working abroad should be appropriate for all interested people by addressing their individual needs.

Our Inclusive Mobility Kit is designed to facilitate this. Especially underrepresented or disadvantaged groups as well as individuals with fewer opportunities shall receive access to existing support structures and grants. Details are available upon request at  

Students with fewer opportunities

Students with fewer opportunities who can apply for a top-up are 

  • students and recent graduates with disabilities 
  • students and recent graduates with a chronic illness (physical or mental), if the costs connected to the chronic illness will demonstrably be higher during the stay abroad when compared to the costs in the sending country (Austria)

Furthermore, the following students are eligible for a top-up for students with fewer opportunities

  • incoming students from Ukraine 


Applications for additional inclusion support are open to 

  • students with fewer opportunities who can provide documentation showing that the Erasmus+ stay abroad will be connected to additional costs 
  • students who are not defined as students with fewer opportunities but can provide proof that additional financial support is needed 
  • staff with a disability 
  • staff with a chronic illness (physical or mental), if the costs connected to the chronic illness will demonstrably be higher during the stay abroad when compared to the costs in the sending country (Austria) 

Green Mobility Kit

If a stay abroad is planned within the study or work context at University for Continuing Education Krems, the principle of responsible travel applies. This Green Mobility Kit complements this aspect and endorses using rail and bus travel for international business or study stays, especially regarding destinations under
750 km, but also to offers tools for finding the most environmentally friendly solution for participation in courses, conferences, network meetings, continuing education, etc. 
Whether and how to travel best, as well as where to find funding and advice at the university on this topic, is demonstrated by means of a video and a map of Europe with Green Cities. The long-term goal is to ensure environmentally friendly international travel and reduce the ecological footprint of travelers.

Erasmus+ further promotes green travel with top-ups for students and staff. Details are available upon request at  

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