Climate change is one of the most complex and profound challenges society faces. And as climate justice was at first only seen from a scientific and technical point of view, it now is becoming increasingly important. From 28 September 2022 to 3 March 2023, four two-day seminars will discuss fundamentals, climate ethics and policy, and aspects of a social-ecological transformation. Together with Ökumenischer Rat der Kirchen in Österreich the Allianz Klimagerechtigkeit and the Kardinal König Haus, the University of Krems is organizing the series.
Climate change is currently the subject of many discussions due to the first impacts such as more frequent and longer heat waves, large-scale forest fires, rapidly shrinking glaciers and rising sea temperatures. As the effects have become more noticeable, questions of climate justice are pressing more and again. It is about justice towards the poorer countries, the future generations and the responsibility towards fauna and flora.
Knowledge transfer and networking
Led by Ernst Fürlinger from the Research Lab Democracy & Society in Transition at the University for Continuing Education Krems and climate expert Lisa Plattner, the seminar series offers a basic introduction to central aspects of climate change. The wide range of topics covers scientific basics, climate impacts, ethics and law of climate protection, climate emergency and global religions, climate politics, psychological aspects of the climate crisis and the socio-ecological transformation. Alongside imparting knowledge, the focus is directed to the sharing and networking of actors from different fields and organizations.
Basics of the climate crisis
The first seminar day will deal with the basics of the climate crisis in more depth. Jill Jäger, researcher and author, will talk about the "climate crisis as an element of global multiple crises". The scientific foundations of climate change will be addressed by Prof Georg Kaser, Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Innsbruck. Climate expert Lisa Plattner will discuss the consequences of climate change and Assoc.-Prof. Katharine Mach, University of Miami will address "Adaptation to Climate Risks in the Global South" in her lecture held in English.
Scheduling overview
The following seminar on 3 and 4 November 2022, will highlight the topic of climate ethics with Prof Felix Ekardt, head of the Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy, Berlin and Leipzig, Guillermo Kerber, former Coordinator of the Climate Program of the World Council of Churches, and Ernst Fürlinger, University for Continuing Education Krems.
Climate policy stands in the center of the third seminar on 12 and 13 January 2023 with Sarah Nash, political scientist at the University for Continuing Education Krems; Helmut Hojesky, Federal Ministry for Climate Protection; Lukas Hammer, Spokesperson for Climate Die Grünen; Johannes Wahlmüller, Global 2000; Leonie Fian, University of Vienna, Julia Herr, Spokesperson for Climate of SPÖ and Fridays for Future as well as Anika Dafert (Fridays for Future Austria).
The social-ecological transformation concludes the series on 2 and 3 March 2023. The speakers are Prof Susanne Elsen, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; Franziskus Forster, Österreichische Klein- und BergbäuerInnen-Vereinigung – Via Campesina Austria; and Martina Luger, Horizont3000.
Seminar Series Climate Justice - Ethical Reflection and Transformative Action
Seminar 1: Climate crisis - the basics
Date: 28 & 29 September 2022
Begin: 9:30 am
Venue: Kardinal König-Haus, Kardinal König-Platz 3, 1130 Wien