Since its foundation in January 2018, the Research Lab Democracy and Society in Transition dedicates its work to two main research fields: Democracy development and political education as well as health, social affairs and society.


Classic approaches to research should be juxtaposed alongside new methodological approaches and Science to Public projects - not in a competition, but in order to make the diversity of thinking, research and experience comprehensible. In order to strengthen the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of the Research Labs, it cooperates closely with existing departments of the University.


Head: Mag. Dr. Christina Hainzl, MSc


Research interests

Global Health Policy

Global Health Policy (GHP) has increased in importance in the last two decades, as a field of study, research, and practice. However, until now it was not possible in academic circles to agree on a common definition.

From an epidemiological perspective, global health policy is concerned with health problems where the causes or remedies are outside of the competencies of nation states. In a narrower sense, it aims to foster the health and health equality of all people. The term is derived from the terms “public health” and “international health”, although the latter has its origins in hygiene and tropical medicine and has been largely supplanted by the term “global”.

The basis of global health policy is formed by an equally broad and differentiated understanding of policymaking. At the same time, it is predominantly about evening-up health disparities within societies, as well as at the national level and between the Global South and the Global North.

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