Telemed Monitor Österreich

Information, news and research concerning the Telemed Monitor Austria!
Physicians were interviewed on the potential and challenges of tele medical care in private practice by the first Telemed Monitor Austria, which was conducted by the Research Lab Society in Transition in cooperation with the Austrian Medical Association. This survey focused particularly on the question how physicians accept tele medical care. It is essential in order to establish digital innovations that the degree of acceptance of tele medical care is understood.
Danube University Krems carries out Telemed Monitor Austria, which is an annual study. It attempts to trace the development of tele medical services, to generate comparable data by repeating the study each year, and to address current issues. There will be a topical focus set for every year.
Wave 1
Acceptance of telemedical care in the private practice area
Here you will find among other things the report on the study "Telemed Monitor Austria".
Wave 2
Evaluations of the young physician to be surveyed
Here you can find the report and the press release on the second wave of the study "Telemed Monitor Austria".
The survey seeks to find out about the attitudes medical students have regarding telemedical care and how they envision their future profession. It will be conducted in cooperation with the public Austrian medical universities and is intended to be repeated at regular intervals in order to track developments on a data basis.
Danube University Krems and the public medical universities of Graz, Innsbruck, Vienna and Linz will jointly carry out this interdisciplinary project, which the Research Lab Society in Transition of Danube University Krems initiated and coordinated within the framework of the research focus "Health and Society".
Project Board
- Medical University of Innsbruck
(Vice-Rector Prof. Peter Loidl) - Medical University of Graz
(Prof. Andrea Siebenhofer-Kroitzsch) - Medical University of Vienna
(Assoc. Prof. Kathryn Hoffmann, MPH) - Medical Faculty of the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz
(Florian Stummer, MPH MBA MCHL)
If you have questions