
Climate change poses real economic, environmental and social challenges not only for future generations, but also for us today. Alongside energy, industry, transport and agriculture, the building sector is one of the most important emitters of greenhouse gases. At the same time, this sector offers a multitude of fields of action that make it possible to significantly support the achievement of climate goals while responding to climatic changes that are already taking place. The advanced training developed will primarily deal with existing buildings and neighborhoods in the context of climate change. The focus will be on the development of strategies and measures to increase the climate resilience of settlement areas. To this objective, socio-cultural, ecological, economic, planning, technical and legal aspects for climate change adaptation of existing buildings and quarters will be considered. The focus is on the systemic interactions between buildings, open spaces and their users for the development of livable and sustainable living environments.


Duration 01/10/2020 - 31/03/2021
Funding FFG

Department for Building and Environment

Center for Environmental Sensitivity

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Dipl.-Ing. Christina Ipser
Project members
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Stumpf
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Daniela Trauninger
Project website


ClimB! - Multidisziplinäre Ansätze für klimaresiliente Gebäude und Quartiere

Forum Building Science 2021, 29/06/2021

Methoden der Lebenszyklusbetrachtung

FFG Qualifizierungsseminar ClimB! - Gebäude und Quartiere im Klimawandel, 25/02/2021

Wechselwirkungen zwischen Menschen und Gebäuden

FFG Qualifizierungsseminar ClimB! - Gebäude und Quartiere im Klimawandel, 25/02/2021

Klimaresiliente Quartiere II

ClimB! - Gebäude und Quartiere im Klimawandel, 24/02/2021

Klimawandeladaptierung des Gebäudebestands

FFG Qualifizierungsseminar ClimB! - Gebäude und Quartiere im Klimawandel, 24/02/2021

Klimasensitive Gebäude

Climb! - Gebäude und Quartiere im Klimawandel, 12/02/2021

Klimasensitive Gebäude

FFG Qualifizierungsseminar ClimB! - Gebäude und Quartiere im Klimawandel, 12/02/2021

Bauen und Klimawandel

FFG Qualifizierungsseminar ClimB! - Gebäude und Quartiere im Klimawandel, 11/02/2021

Klimaresiliente Quartiere I

ClimB!, 11/02/2021

Klimawandel und soziale Gerechtigkeit

FFG Qualifizierungsseminar ClimB! - Gebäude und Quartiere im Klimawandel, 11/02/2021

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