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Political communication includes political information, political participation and political communication in the narrower sense as campaigning. The emphasis of the platform accordingly includes teaching, research and consulting.
Expert in democratic developments in Europe is new Head of the Department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy
This past event discussed what a political response to the phenomenon of irregular migration could look like that takes into account the human rights of migrants on the one hand and the requirements of the rule of law on the other.
Shifting up, out and cross: in search of Europe's migration policy Sandra Lavenex talks about formal and informal EU asylum and migration commitments across policy areas.
The Medical Association for Vienna awards political scientist of Danube University Krems
Erste "Krems Annual Conference on European Democracy" beschäftigte sich mit dem Thema des Populismus in Frankreich
Administrative assistant - Department for Knowledge and Communication Management
Department for Legal Studies and International Relations